Nose Picker

Updated on April 12, 2007
M.P. asks from Portland, OR
7 answers

My son has decided that he likes to put his finger up his nose ALL the time. It has gotten to the point where he is giving himself nose bleeds. I try to tell him no, which has not worked. A tried to snap his finger before it got to the nose, but this just made him laugh, he thought it was a game. Any ideas?

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answers from Grand Rapids on

We definitely had this problem in our house! I have found with my sons that their noses were just dry. At the suggestion of my pediatrician I've been swabbing the inside of their noses with Vaseline or Aquaphor Ointment. My eldest, who is 3.5 years old, now he tells me when his nose is bothering him and he asks me for his nose medicine! Good luck. I hope you find something that works for you.

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answers from Seattle on

it may sound harsh, but put something on his nails that smells nasty or maybe makes his nose sting a little, it won't take long before he stops. I know they make nailpolish that helps you stop chewing your nails cause it tastes really bad, so there's got to be something for nose pickers. My son went through the same thing, but he used to do it on the D.L., I didn't know until he kept getting nose bleeds, i took him to the doctor and the doc said he had scabs in his nostril. its just a thought, i know for sure it would work. Let me know how it goes.

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answers from Portland on

My experience is that if the behavior is not hurting someone else then the best thing to do is ignore it. He now knows it bothers you and thinks this is funny, it's a game to him now. If you ignore it he'll eventually give it up. Hopefully he's not losing too much blood when he does get the nose bleeds and if this is the case I wouldn't worry about it. If, on the other hand, he's gushing blood then perhaps trying a reward system for not picking his nose might work.
Good Luck. Hope this helps.



answers from Portland on

His nose is probably dry. Winter heated air is drying. Try putting vaseline inside his nose coating all surfaces well back. I've had this problem ever since I can remember. I remember my mother "greasing" all of our kids' noses.

My grandkids have also been nose pickers but stopped in a few weeks. I also think putting a finger in the nose at 18 mos is part of exploring their body. And the more attention we pay to it the more they will do it because it does get attention.



answers from Portland on

My now 5 year old son used to do it when he was younger. I never found anything that worked except to ignore it and he eventually grew out of it. It almost seemed a comfort thing like thumb sucking. Half the time he didn't even seem to realize he was doing it. I hope you find something that works. Good luck. T.



answers from Portland on

put hot sauce on his fingers and it will make him tear up and not want to pick.Do not go hay wire over it like just the one finger. Just a little you dont want to harm you'r child and if you'r child is not old enough well they will put it in there eyes.How old he is well he will grow out of it

Good Luck



answers from Spokane on

I will definately be paying attention to your request, as my children like to look for gold too!! LOL It is a nasty habit, that's for sure. Good luck!

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