Bed rest: Toddler, Nuby

Results 51-60 from 210 articles

Breastfed Baby Refusing to Eat from a Bottle

O.C. asks from Corpus Christi

My baby will be three months old this week and she refuses to take a bottle. This is an issue since I have returned to work and she will not eat while I am gone (up t...


Weening My Daughter off the Bottle Help!!!

K.L. asks from Chicago

my daughter is 11mnths old, ive been introducing the sippy cup a little bit, she can tilt it, she can get juice out of it but the problem is the only comfort object i...


Long Term Breastfeeding a High Needs Toddler

I.W. asks from Portland

Hi Moms, Before I go into the question I'd like to ask all critics and know-it-alls to quietly roll their eyes to themselves and leave supportive and informative an...


How Do We Get Our 2 1/2 Year Old Son to Stop Drinking Milk Out of a Bottle?

J.Z. asks from Seattle

Hi. I have an almost 2 1/2 year old son who is the light of our life, is super smart and very active. The trouble is this - how do we get him to give up the bottle ...


Toddlers and Bottles of Milk

H.G. asks from New York

my almost 17 month old son still takes 3 bottles of milk a day - one when he wakes up, one in the afternoon after he wakes from his nap, and one before bed at night. ...


Is My Toddler Drinking Too Much Milk? Can It Be Bad for Her?

T.L. asks from San Francisco

My 20 month old daughter is a picky eater but she loves her milk, or maybe she just loves her bottle. I started to wean my older daughter at 18 months and I had plann...


Switching from Bottle to Sippy Cup

M.H. asks from Miami

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to transition my son from a bottle to a sippy cup. He'll be 1 year old in a couple of weeks and I wanted to start working with...


Baby Refusing Formula at Daycare...

L.P. asks from New York

I am still breastfeeding my 10.5 month old daughter so I havn't given her a bottle in many months... I work 3 days a week and she is in daycare. She eats breakfast (...


Good Book for New Dad to Read & Advice for a Bottle That Simulates Nursing

S.G. asks from Sacramento

Hello Mamas! I have two requests..My son is 9 weeks old and I am getting ready to go back to work in a month and want to find a bottle that works well for my son. I'v...


Getting Rid of the Bottle

A.B. asks from Pittsburgh

I have a 2 year old that still has her bottle at nap and bed time and sometimes in the car for long trips (an hour or more). she doesn't even suck on it half the time...