Asthma: Benadryl

See all 707 articles
13 answers

Asthma or Not?

Sorry, this is going to be long ....My 3 1/2 year old daughter has had respiratory problems since she was 1. Everytime she gets sick, it goes right to her chest. Before I purchased a nebulizer she went to the emergency room twice. When she was 2 1/2 she had RSV. I've taken her to a pulmonologist, he tested her for allergies, and she isn't allergic to anything (like pollen, dust, etc.) We tried Pulmicort for months at a time, she still got the same attacks after her colds. I have tried Singulair, and that worked great for her runny...


Is It Asthma?

My 1 year old son has had a cough since the second week in January. He'll...

Asthma Medication

See all 489 articles
13 answers

Asthma or Not?

Sorry, this is going to be long ....My 3 1/2 year old daughter has had respiratory problems since she was 1. Everytime she gets sick, it goes right to her chest. Before I purchased a nebulizer she went to the emergency room twice. When she was 2 1/2 she had RSV. I've taken her to a pulmonologist, he tested her for allergies, and she isn't allergic to anything (like pollen, dust, etc.) We tried Pulmicort for months at a time, she still got the same attacks after her colds. I have tried Singulair, and that worked great for her runny...