Hi R.,
It appears my son also has asthma. Ours is usually brought on by either colds or Pollen Count.
We have been on a Nebulizer when needed. And when my son refuses the Nebulizer or I have heard him in the middle of the night, I have used Tiger Balm.
It is similar to Vicks, but much stronger in scent. Do a google search on it. You will find that it has the same purposes as Vicks. I use it for my self too. You only use just a little dab. IT goes a long way. I didn't think to use it but, I did a search on "Natural Remedies for Asthma" and it came up. Then I changed my search to "Is Tiger Balm" good for Asthma and the results came up very much in Favor. You can find it at Organic food stores and some specialty shopes (Chinese) I have never seen it in a grocery store.
Also, When I notice that my son isn't feeling well and it sort of leans towards the wheezing, I usually give him a little hot tea made up of Sweet Echinacea and honey. If I catch it early enough, he is usually good to go with in an hour. If I don't, I usually give him more and with in a day he is better. Or I will make my own tea if there is a Fever with it. I use a mixture of Mint leaves, Red Raspberry Leaves, & Ginger. I have also used on occasion a humidifier when it is late at night.
Those work for us.
The best part now that he is older, he asks for the Nebulizer when he feels it coming on.
This is what we do. I hope that helps.