After School: Myself, The First Years

Results 51-60 from 858 articles

High School Too Easy?

S.E. asks from Chicago

My daughter is a freshman at a high performing HS in Illinois. She is not gifted and is an average student...I thought. In her first semester in HS she may be getti...


Should I Go Back to School

H.H. asks from Tulsa

I have been a stay at home mom for almost four years now, my youngest son will start pre-k in August. I have been thinking about taking a course to be a medical assi...


Montessori preK Then Transition to Public School

M.D. asks from San Francisco

If anyone has opinions/experience with a Montessori school I would love to hear your thoughts- good/bad etc. My triplets are 4 yrs old & I am having thoughts of putti...


Seeking Advice..When to Stay at Home vs Work?

D.K. asks from Houston

I decided to go back to work full time after my maternity leave was over with my second baby. Now, both my boys are in a full time daycare they both seem happy. How...


What Is the Best School District?

K.D. asks from Albany

My daughter is scheduled to start Kindergarten this coming fall and we are also looking to move. Currently we are in the Shenendehowa school district and I have hear...


When to Send Son to School

T.F. asks from St. Louis

My son will turn 5 in June. I am debating about sending him to school this year or wait until next year to send him. I would love to hear from mom's who have sent the...


Spring Photos for School? What For?

S.H. asks from Honolulu

Hi all, So this year, unlike other years, my Daughter's school is doing 'Spring Photos. By the company Life Touch No I am not hawking them. ...


Open Own Business VS. Going Back to Work for Corporate - What's Your Experience?

K.M. asks from San Francisco

Hello, I'm looking for advice and opinions from experience about opening your own business or working for corporate. Here is my situation: I'm debating between openi...


School and Special Education. Too Many Services?

K.D. asks from Boston

I need advice from other professionals/teachers or moms who have been through something similar. I know typically people fight and advocate for more services for thei...


Am I Smart Enough to Home School?

F.H. asks from Phoenix

We met a couple at church that home school their kids and have had great luck with it. Their oldest is graduating from college and getting married this summer. Anyw...