After School: Myself, The First Years

Results 41-50 from 858 articles

How Do You Balance Family and Work? What Works for You? How Did You Decide?

L.S. asks from Fort Collins

Hi Moms! I am currently a licensed in-home child care provider. I have been doing it for over 5 years now. My main motivation was staying home with my own kids when...


Keeping a Home or the Diet Solution Program or Being a Great Mom

M.A. asks from Washington DC

Why can't I do it all? Hello again mamma's! This time it is not a baby question. For all of the super organized mamma's out there, how do you do it? I am having ...


Starting Pre-school

J.F. asks from Medford

Hello all! I have a question mainly regarding MY feelings towards my 3 year old son starting pre-school. I am feeling very anxious about him going off without me. The...


Private School for Preschool

E.W. asks from New York

A girlfriend of mine needs some advice. She is looking into preschool for her son (he's 3). She found one that she LOVES. It has many enrichment programs, small class...


Seeking Advice on How to Ease Return to Full Time Work

J.S. asks from Albuquerque

Returning to work full time after my baby was 3 months old has been the most difficult thing I have ever done. It has been almost two months and it is getting harder...


Waldorf or Montessori or Home School

L.G. asks from Los Angeles

Hello, My 5 yo daughter is in public school. She does not seem to be enjoying school. Generally things are fine, i.e. she has friends, she is with or ahead of the ...


What Absenses Are Excused at Your Kids School??

L.O. asks from Detroit

My daughter will start kindergarden in the fall. MY husband and I were discussing vacations once we have a school age child. I think it is OK to take the child out ...


First Time on the School Bus

M.W. asks from Boston

Hi everyone, my daughter is entering second grade in a few weeks and will be taking the school bus for the first time. We have driven her for the first 2 years since...


Is Pre-school 3 Really That Important?

C.P. asks from Dallas

I'm a stay at home mom with a 3 year old boy and a six month old baby girl. I always planned on sending my kids to a 2 day a week program (that's what he's in now), ...


Is Your School Supply List Out of Control?

S.L. asks from Denver

Just need to vent....what in the heck are my tax dollars being used for? We attend public school but I have to buy reams of copy paper, tissues and plenty of things ...