After School Care: Child, The First Years

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11 answers

Single Parent Schedule for Their Child(ren)?

I am curious to know what other single mom's schedule is like for their child(ren) on a school week? My son is 5.5 in Kindergarten. Here is mine: Wake up: 6:30a Out the Door at: 7:20a Before School Program: 8am Pick son from school: 1:37p After School Program: 2:30p Get off of work: 5pm Pick up son: 5:15p Home By: 6:15p - play w. neighbor girls Dinner: 7-7:30pm (bath followed on bath days) Quiet Playtime 7:30p-8:00pm - Play w. neighbor girls again (after homework/dinner) Bedtime: 8:30pm on homework days he starts: 6...


I Now Have Homework.

I want to preface this by saying I did quite a bit of homeschool work with...

Nanny Share

See all 208 articles
12 answers

To Nanny or Not to Nanny?

I just came back to work after having #3. My kids have always attended a Daycare Center and I’ve been happy with that. The cost for three children, however, is likely more or equal to what a Nanny would charge (or so I think). Aside from the benefit of not having to get the children ready and out the door in the morning, what other advantages are there to having a nanny vs. the daycare center? What are the disadvantages? How did you go about choosing one?