My son Zachary is 10 weeks old - he is quite healthy - almost 13lbs/24 inches at his two month check up. He has had the acne and overall dry blotchy skin - now weepy ...
My daughter got her first pimple today and I'm thinking I should get her a facewash to use during bathtime that is just for young skin like hers. Any recommendations?
My 21 month old son has really itchy legs. Soon as I take his pants off to change his diaper he scratches them. I have tried Cetaphil, Aveeno Daily Moisturizer, Goa...
For the past 6 or so months, my son has had little bumps come up on his torso and arms. When they 1st appear, it looks like just raised skin with red around it (like ...
I've recently broken out with pimples on my neck, chest and shoulder blade area. I feel like I'm back in high school or something. Last week I got poison ivy on my ...
My son, every so often, gets pimples every now and again...most commonly on his cheek. It's usually only one for a couple days- then nothing for a couple weeks. My qu...
hi my one year old recently got a rash or not a rash but alot of little bumps around neck back of neck and cheeks when she scratches she makes it worst its sort of li...
I am hoping that someone can help me with Excema! My son has it bad! We have been to the Dr four different times over it. Each time we were given a different stren...