See my other response as to a remedy using Caprylic Acid Supplements... and drinking them along with lots of water.. they work SUPER well..
as for the symptoms going away once your period begins . IF in fact this is a yeast infection, you aren't imaging that wow, it goes away once menstruation begins ... The reason yeast infections get so bad right after ovulation (mid-cycle) is because on the case when you ovulate, you get a surge of Progesterone... well that surge then renders your privates.. more alkaline , hence a breeding ground for yeast... not to mention, the surge in Progesterone causes you to become a more insulin resistant,. well if your diet already consists of sugar, white flour, fermented foods , then your yeast symptom definitely can worsen after ovulation... AND your cravings..
The yeast treatments docs give you don't work because they only address the outside area .. whereas, yeast needs to be treated from the inside out...
I would try the Capryl Supplements (take as directed on label) and drink lots of water. I find that I only ever need one and on rare occasions need two....
good luck