J. - me too. When my first son was born I took a 6 month paid maternity leave. The catch to that one was that I had to go back full time for 12 months or pay back the maternity pay plus the cost of my benefits for my leave time! I did, and felt guilty about everything I missed and the travel my job required and my mom being the one to take my sick baby to the doctor when I couldn't get there from the office. When he was 18 months old, I quit and took a part-time job - three days per week. I love it, but still have guilt. I'm not a great SAHM - I still juggle to accomodate work, have a dirty house and get too much take out food. I also feel like I'm not the best employee - my family comes first. My husband has the benefits now so if we have to sacrafice a job, it is mine. I could be much better at my job if I worked full time. So I am a guilty employee now. There are days that I feel like I do everything part-time but I guess that is life when we were a lot of hats!
I value the time off I have to volunteer at my older son's school, take my baby to mommy and me art classes and swim lessons, and even have the occasional nap with both of them after school. Because I work, both of them will have the opportunity to take part in after school activities, vacation and go to college. Because I work, I may not have to live with one of them when I am ready to retire! It is the best we can do for now and most of the time I am happy.