Work from Home Ideas - Anyone?

Updated on April 12, 2006
N.P. asks from New Lenox, IL
4 answers

Hi... I recently found out that my ability to work from home during the last months of my pregnancy and probably after are slim to none. :( As a result, if anyone knows any work from home type opportunites or even part-time, if you could pass the ideas my way I would greatly appreciate it. I do plan to start up my Pampered Chef business but I am looking for something additional. :)

Thanks so much!

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answers from Chicago on

Well, I'm looking for some extra $$ as well. I found a company by the name of Mass Communications. Their website is

I recently submitted my I really dont know how good it is or anything. But I figured its worth a shot. If you click on Apply Now and go through the orientation will tell you what its all about. Then you can choose to apply or not.



answers from Chicago on

Have you heard of the health and wellness company, Arbonne International? I just started my own business as an Independant Consultant with Arbonne and am very happy. The products are unbelievable and the pay is great.

I'm not sure when you were thinking of getting started but I would be happy to talk with you if you want to give me a call or email. My home number is ###-###-####.

In case I don't hear from you, good luck with the last months of your pregnancy!



answers from Chicago on

hi nicole im tring a work grom home job that has you proc claim to medicare on behalf of MDs you have to take a test and get cert with medicare. i just started the test (its open book and i printed all the material you'll need) i'll keep you updateed and let you know how it goes maybe you can start it aswell (the MDs pay you directly and it could be $3-5 per claim. let me know if you want more info



answers from Chicago on

Hi Nicole,

My sister-in-law and I recently became consultants for a company called Baby Splendor. We actually hosted our first party yesterday, and it was a great success. It is very much like Pampered Chef, except it involves selling baby products. The company was started by two moms in Boston who wanted to work from home. Give me a call or email me, and I'll fill you in on the details. Visit the website at You can also visit our website at

My home number is ###-###-####. My email is

Talk to you soon,

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