Have you checked your breastmilk to make sure it doesn't smell sour? I recently started having a problem with my son taking the bottle and noticed that my milk that had been in the freezer for a couple of months smelled sour....if you notice that then you can try scalding your milk before freezing it. If you don't have that issue then just keep trying the bottle. My son is better about taking it now. He actually prefers to do it himself over having me hold it...we also discovered that he prefers his milk cold instead of warmed up! Seems weird to me, but whatever! She knows that if she doesn't drink the bottle then she can just hold out for the breast so I would try having someone (your husband?) watch her and give her a bottle while you go to a movie or go grocery shopping or something a couple of days a week...that way she realizes that if she's hungry, that's what she gets. It took my son a couple of weeks (and getting a bottle 3 times a week) to finally decide he'd give in and drink the bottled milk. Good luck!