Oh my, sounds a lot like me. i went through this same thing if you look through the older posts you'll get a lot of suggestions on how to up your production. She's starting to refuse because she get milk easier through the bottle it goes faster and she doesnt have to work for it too much. It was suggested when yo do supplement that you use a nipple with a very small hole so she has to really work at it. I hope you can get it going again. I unfortunately could never get it to work but i never had very good production. Try and breastfeed very often, every hour if you can.
There is a product by medela called a supplemental nursing system. It is a type of bottle that you hang around your neck with two thin tubes that you pull out to your nipples. It's a way of supplementing while still like nursing she is encouraged to continue nursing even after you are waiting for another let down or just plain on empty. It's a little bit difficult to get working in the begining but i think it's a really great product. Hopefully with that you can make sure that she gets the milk that she needs but still stimulates milk production. I tried it but by that time i was producing hardly anything. I think if i started earlier then it might have helped more. None the less it was nice to be able to continue to breastfeed even after production was pretty much gone.
Here's the link to that product. http://www.medela.com/NewFiles/specialtyfdg.html#sns
I hope that this helps some but like i said look at old posts there is a lot of good advice out there.