Wont Eat

Updated on December 23, 2008
J.B. asks from Saint Louis, MO
16 answers

My 6 month old has had diarrhea 3xs today and my 2 yr old has thrown up a few times today too. Neither will eat. My infant has only taken in 9oz formula, some cereal, and his fruit at lunch. Looking for advice what to do to get him to eat. He had some shots a couple days ago along with his first flu shot plus hes teething-still nothing poking through!

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answers from St. Louis on

Keep them hydrated. Allow their body to fast the /.<?{'
out of them and watch giving their little bodies so many shots too closr in time.



answers from Kansas City on

Sounds like he has the flu or is not feeling well from the shots and teething. Last time I tried to get my 6yo to eat, and she was sleepy, although I thought it was from staying up all night. She promptly threw up all over right after I asked her to eat, although, thankfully, she hadn't. Just from earlier in the day's food. And, boy was that a mess! I would let the children pick their own pace. They won't starve themselves in one day. Now, if it goes on for a week, I would talk to the dr.

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answers from St. Louis on

I would call your Dr and make SURE they are not getting dehydrated. It sounds like a stomach virus they probably picked up while you were getting shots. Happens to us all!

1 mom found this helpful


answers from St. Louis on

Hi J.!

I would call the doc in the morning. I know for the older one just fluids and a bland diet is ok for a couple days but Im not sure about the little one not eating. Its going around, some of my family just got over it, I hope it gets better before Christmas!


answers from Kansas City on

You might want to lay off on the fruit. Sometimes that will contribute to the diarhea. Most fruits have fiber in them. We would do the BRAT method sometimes when my kiddos were young, but my kids would eat mashed potatoes more than anything. It does help with the diarhea. The starch causes it to harden up some. Keep both of your kids hydrated. Pedialyte or water will do just fine. When your daughter throws up wait to give her something to eat or drink for about an hour. It will give her stomach time to settle down and then maybe she'll keep it down. If you give her something right after she vomits her stomach will spasm and she'll vomit again. We would wait two hours sometimes before giving them something to drink and that would really help. I do hope your kiddos clear this up before Christmas. What a bummer that would be for all of you. Good luck and God Bless and Merry Christmas.



answers from St. Louis on

I would definitely check with the doctor first, but when my son was sick and not eating or drinking much we would give him as much pedialyte whenever he would take it plus try some formula or breastmilk mixed with rice cereal -- he takes that whenever nothing else appeals to him.



answers from St. Louis on

Hi J.!
Don't worry about the foods right now, just push fluids. Anything you can get them to drink will help. A doctor suggested to me one time to even try popsicles. You can give the baby a clean wet washcloth to suck on. It's awful having sick kids when there's not a lot you can do. Definitely keep your doctor informed too. Have a Merry Christmas!!



answers from Kansas City on

If he's peeing 3x a day, I wouldn't worry. Our Ped said as long as they're peeing- they're fine. Just feed them what they'll take. You can't force anything on a sick kiddo!



answers from Kansas City on

One thing our pediatrician recommended for the infant with diarreah, is Similac DF, which is a formula specifically for kids with diarreah. We found it at Walgreens, and its only in liguid form. Otherwise, we were told just to try to keep liguids down her and she'd eat when she was hungry. the BRAT diet is also helpful, Bananas, Rice, Applesauce and Toast.



answers from Joplin on

My girls got like that with the flu once for a few days and all they could eat without throwing up was malt-o-meal but at least it stayed down and is healthy. They were 4 and 9 months at the time.


answers from Kansas City on

As long as they are throwing up, don't worry about them eating. Fluids are what is important now. Get some pedialite and try to push that to keep them hydrated. After they keep that down, try solids. Stick to the BRAT diet as others have recommended. Keep an eye on their wet diapers to make sure they stay hydrated, if you notice a drop off you should take them into the doc for rehydration therapy... if they get really dehydrated they might need IV fluids.



answers from Kansas City on

I'd call your doctor and tell them eveything you said above. Sounds like they might need some pedilyte so they don't get dehydrated.



answers from St. Louis on

I agree with the BRAT diet. It is amazing. (Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, Toast) Crackers are also good. Saltines are best.
When my now-two-year-old was about nine months and had that, Pedialyte helped quite a bit. We only gave him about 1 or 2 ounces at a time or it would come back up. He didn't want to eat, so we took a medical syringe and filled it with applesauce and put a few squirts in his mouth every now and again to get something in him. That way his teething didn't bother him as much. Besides that, it just takes time.

Good luck, and I hope they get better soon!



answers from Wichita on

Good Morning J., have you tried the brat diet for your 6 month old? Bananas, Rice , Applesauce, Toast ( plain)
Give water a little more also, with the pedialyte also. The grape flavor pedialyte will make their runs a very interesting color :)

Their little hinny will get really sore with a lot of diarrhea also. So be prepared for that also.

Your 2 yr old will benefit from the BRAT also. At least crackers, dry cereal for a little while. No milk though it really is yucky when it comes back up. lite or low sugar juices, plenty of water.

We just finished what your going though a few weeks ago with our two youngest gr sons. 3 yr old Spitting ( that's what he calls vomiting) 14 month old with horrible diarrhea from teething. He has 12 teeth now ;)

You can check with your Nurse and they will also let you know what is good for them right now, without taking them in, if there is no fever involved.

God Bless and hope they are feeling better really soon. Terrible to feel yucky with Santa on the way!

Merry CHRISTmas J.
K. Nana of 5



answers from Topeka on

Don't worry about them not eating they have a bug in them and their appetites are lost.They will eat when ready in the mean time offer small items as you do for a snack and keep them hydrated all day long if they are thorowing up and have the runs several times a day then get some Pedualyte even the Generic will work.The appetite will come back once they begin to fill better.Keep them well rested



answers from St. Louis on

Oh I hope you don't have what when through our house. My 7 month old had it for a couple of days... not eating much and diarrea. My 2 year old, however, started throwing up, then had diarrea, sometimes at the same time. He didn't want me to change him because his bum hurt so bad... we did a lot of baths.

It has been almost 3 weeks and he still has diarrea. We have been to the doctor twice and it really is just a nasty virus. My mom has had diarrea for about as long.

Be diligent with the BRAT diet and avoid sugar and diarrea causing foods. Hopefully, he will get over it quick!
Best of luck to you!

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