Diarrhea - Sorry for the "Yucky" Topic

Updated on January 04, 2007
K.M. asks from Gresham, OR
17 answers

Hi moms, My 3yr old has had a tummy ache & "you know what" since last night. Daddy is home with her today so I'd like to give him a few ideas of how to take care of her. I know to stay away from juices & push water but what else can we do to make her feel better as well as get better? I should know this by now but it's been such a long time since I've dealt with it.

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answers from Reno on

Hi K.,
This may sound a little crazy, but when my son was a toddler it was recommended to me, by whom I cannot remember, to give him liquid jello. I would simply make it and while it was warm allow him to drink it. It was to help bind him up. Honestly, I can't remember if it worked or not but maybe someone else with a toddler may have heard of this more recent than 10 years ago when I tried it. Good Luck!



answers from Portland on

pediacare and popsicles they even have the pedia pops ,my doctor said its ok to give gatorade my kids wont drink the pedialite.Hope all goes well.

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answers from Portland on

Making sure she doesn't get dehydrated is the most important thing. Have you tried pedialite? If she wont drink that, you may want to try popsicles.

Mom of two



answers from Portland on

Potassium and calcium are good for forming stool. If you suspect food poisoning charcoal is good followed by Cal. & Pot. Make sure she is getting electrolytes with water. Emergence C is a great way to make sure she is getting electros as well as water.



answers from Las Vegas on

When my son has had diarrhea I give him a plain diet. Bananas are great because they are binding, plain rice, saltines, jello. I would stay away from Pedilyte because it has artificial sweeteners in it. This has always made my son worse. I would go with Gatorade instead to replenish fluids. I would also keep dairy out of her diet. It can upset an already upset tummy even more. You could also try chicken soup. If the problem continues I would contact the doctor because you don't want her to get dehydrated. Hope your daughter feels better soon.



answers from Portland on

Pedialite is best in small doses during the day mixed in with water to help the dehydration. Plus it doesn't have the sugar that sports drinks have and it gives another option besides water. Hope this helps!! =)



answers from Portland on

The BRAT diet is the best. Bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. Plain toast, no butter or jelly. The blander the better.



answers from Portland on

B.R.A.T.Y.! Bananas,Rice, Applesauce, Toast, Yougurt! Any combination of two of these at the same time will put a stop to diarreah.



answers from Portland on

Will she eat? If you can get her to eat try banans and toast, crackers, tortillas any kind of bread. Remember no applesauce or apple juice. thaat will only ake it worse.
Good luck.



answers from Las Vegas on

Pedialyte works really well. When my girls gset diarhea he is the first to run out and get it. If you are unable to get that my mom swears by boiling rice and then giving giving the kids the water to drink. I hope your little one feels better soon.



answers from Phoenix on

These are the best 2 medicines in the world for "IT" childrens kayopectaid (just a table spoonful will do the trick) and Little tummies for nausia for her tummy. It's a green lable. and I use them all the time for them and it does work. There pretty cheap at target and the sooner the better. My son used to get "IT" for a month at a time when teething. the doctors say that "IT" is not from teething but why else would it only come around that time?!?! so I use it after a day of 2 of going nuts with poopie clothes and it works belive me. If that does'nt then there might be something seriously wrong. but try it for a couple days first because it always worked for me. Make sure its the kid kayopectaid becuase the other stuff might tare up her system. It sayd ages 12 and up but I was told by my pediatrition if you give half the dosege it says for 12 year olds then its fine. and my baby was 1 year old at the time.



answers from Portland on

I use something my mom used with us. You know those little peppermint candies. Like the ones you get after going out for a meal. The mint in the candies help soothe their tummys and plus they taste good. I would just have him keep an eye on her while she is enjoying her candy. We also give our kids bananas or anything binding. And then I would make sure she is getting plenty of fluids... Water- pedialite etc... It's not a fun time but maybe a little treat will make it better.



answers from Portland on

Push water of course but only let her eat what is known as the BRAT diet B= banannas R= rice A= applesauce (not apples) and T= Toast, with nothing on it just dry. Pedialyte is a good thing to probably instead of water cause ya dont want her to be dehydrated. Well I hope this info helps and I hope that she feels better soon.



answers from Anchorage on

Hello K., what our peditrician recomended to us was pedi lite it keeps them hydrated because children dehydrate so quickly. they will drink it because it taste good. it helps with the diarah it has the minnerals everything that the body loses during this time. some kids just don't want to drink water but this is so much better for them or gatorade we have used these produts on each of our children and it has worked like a charm. is she getting the touch of the flu? i would watch if it goes on past 2 days i would take her to her doctor just to rule out anything else. just tell dad to keep towels, diaper wipes ready and waiting just in case of a accident. maybe give her some bland food for a cople of days to see if that helps. good luck been there.



answers from Medford on

Cooked carrots help with diarhea. You can also make some jello, just don't add the extra water at the end and drink it. The gelatin and sugar help.



answers from Las Vegas on

Hi K., I don't think there is much you can do except try starting out light with soup broths, crackers and perhaps pedialite (sp). When my little one had the throw ups the doctor said to feed her a little and give her a two hour rest gradually increasing amounts as the tummy allows. Just make sure the baby is able to hold something within the next few days or you may need to take her or him in for a little IV to prevent dehydration. Best of luck to you and baby.



answers from Portland on

Pedalyte pops! Helps with hydration and kids feel like they get a treat!

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