My daughter is 9.
Per her birthday parties, we ask HER... who she wants to invite.
I don't make her invite people that is "my" choice.
She invites, her BFF's. These are SCHOOL friends.
Not the whole neighborhood.
Why should anyone have to do that?
Again, per my kids' parties, they invite their best friends. These are classmates.
We determine how many kids they can invite, per how many we can manage or can accommodate.
I never "expect" a person to invite my daughter to a party, just because she may have invited them.
And visa versa.
My daughter is 9. And she herself, can maturely determine, if she wants to invite or not, a "bossy/drama" kid. Mostly she stays away from kids like this. This is not her personal circle of friends.
Next: is your neighborhood full of drama/meddling/nosy/bossy neighbors? And is it the "routine" that all the neighbors invites the whole neighborhood to each other's parties??? Or not.
To me, even if living in a neighborhood... each family should have their own privacy and about what activities they do in their home with their kids.
Otherwise, you are ALWAYS, controlled by what the neighbors are doing or not.
It is simply, not sane... to HAVE TO invite every.single.kid that you or your kids may socialize with ALL around the city.
Just because you see or mingle with kids at a public park, that does not mean you have to invite them.
And again, this is your daughter's party.
See who SHE wants to invite. But as the parent, you have to determine, how many she can invite. So that, you either have a huge party or a nice small cozy party. With HER friends who are closest with her.