We co-slept. For the first 2 weeks while I was healing from the birth, he would get up to change the babies before their feedings and then hand them off to me. After that, it was all me all the time, until it was time to nightwean, then he took over for a couple of nights and I got to sleep on the couch (blissfully alone!) while they worked that out. The kids co-slept with us until they were about 3yo, then moved into their own rooms when they rarely needed us at night (my daughter's former nighttime issues notwithstanding).
I can't imagine having to get up and go into another room to get a baby to feed them, and then have to put them back down in that room and walk away. In the middle of the night. More than once. For like a year? No way. That's just a recipe for crazy, at least for us. They cried, I rolled over, everyone slept well.