Which Folktale Is This?

Updated on November 12, 2012
M.R. asks from Edmonds, WA
14 answers

I'm looking for the classic tale of the busy chicken who does all the work to bake home made bread, she plants the wheat, harvests the wheat, grinds the wheat, makes the bread and each step of the way, she asks for help. But, every farm animal is too 'busy' to help her. However, when they smell the bread baking, the animals come running for their share.

I thought it was Henny Penny, but that is the tale of the "sky is falling.'

Thanks in advance if you know the name.

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Marda, how did you phrase the question on google?

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answers from Chicago on

"The Little Red Hen" it is indeed.

My son did this in class, right down to the teacher bringing out a loaf of bread (baked in the school kitchens). It was so cute to see the students playing the animals that wouldn't help, and the Little Red Hen doing all the work.

(Unlike the tale, the class got to enjoy the fresh bread that was made).

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answers from Portland on

I know that folk tale. It is still popular and I've seen several children's books telling the story. I suggest you ask at the library or a book store.

I asked the question on google and learned that it's the Little Red Hen.

I think I just typed "what is the folk story about the chicken" or perhaps it was "chicken who did all the work" and when I got that far the Wikipedia sight was at the top of the list of sites. I'm not sure of the actual words but it was something like that. I think Dawn is right that if you just type in part of what you wrote here you'd get the site. You can test it out now that you know the answer.

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answers from Charlotte on

Great story!! Yes, it is The Little Red Hen. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Little_Red_Hen
The picture of the book in the wiki link is just like the book I owned when I was a little girl.

She says something like "Who will help me (insert all the steps to getting to the point of baking the bread)" and hears, "Not I!" said the duck. "Not I!" said the pig. "Not I!" said the goose. (Not sure if I have the order right.) Then she'd say "Then I'll do it myself!" When she had baked the bread and set it on the window sill to cool, the smell waft out to the barnyard and they all came running. She said "Now who will help me eat the bread?" And here came "I will!" instead of the litany of "Not I!" But this time, she said no, and ate it herself!

I already knew the name of this, but I think that if you remember a line from the book, you can just write it in and you'll get the name of the book.
(Not sure if that helps with your question to Marda...)


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answers from Sacramento on

Yes...The LIttle Red Hen

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answers from Phoenix on

Yes, it is the Little Red Hen. They even have it in YouTube Disney classic : with the same title. My son loves it.

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answers from Appleton on

I remembered the story but until I read the other posts I couldn't remember the title. It was one of favorites as a child. Thanks for the memories.

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answers from Rochester on

The Little Red Hen!! There are SO many versions of this, with every popular character you can imagine...our favorite version has Huey, Dewey, and Louie.

(Chicken Little, Chicken Licken, and Henny Penny are all the story about the sky falling. I have read all of these WAY too many times!)

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answers from Houston on

HA HA This tale is soooooo appropo for many things in society right now! I do recall it! I am gonna use it in my next debates ...

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answers from Portland on

The Little Red Hen is the name of the story.

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answers from Kansas City on

i should google Henny Penny...i thought Chicken Little was "the sky is falling! the sky is falling!" lol....

maybe Henny Penny was the Little Red Hen's name?

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answers from Portland on

The book we have that is that story is called "The Little Red Hen". :)

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answers from Philadelphia on

It's "The Little Red Hen".

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answers from Louisville on

Yep - little one has that book! Not sure she quite gets it yet, but it'll sink in!

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answers from Pittsburgh on

It's The Little Red Hen. My son did it as a play in kindergarten last year. Very funny.

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