When to Start Baby on Meats

Updated on June 19, 2007
J.P. asks from Cedar Springs, MI
7 answers

I have a 8 1/2 month old little girl, and I have not started feeding her any pureed meats yet. When is the best time to do this.

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answers from Detroit on

My pediatrician told me that I could introduce meats to my son when he turned 8 months, or I could wait until he was 9 months. I recommend starting with meats paired with something your daughter already eats, for example, my son would not eat the chicken and rice dinners, or the turkey with rice dinners, but he loved sweet potatoes, apples, and pears ... so I tried the following (made by Gerber)

Sweet potatoes w/turkey
Chicken w/apples
Chicken w/pears
He like all of those, and every once in awhile I could get him to eat Gerber's beef w/carrots. If she doesn't like it the first time, don't give up. Wait a few days and try again. Eventually, she'll eat them when she's ready.



answers from Detroit on

i never fed my daughter meat baby food. I fed her the mixed dinners- withmeat and veggies together.

there is no "right" time to introduce in foods.. buy a couple jars and offer them to your baby- if the baby eats them- fine.. if not wait a week or a few weeks and try agian.

I really liked the beech nut dinners- as they had less ingredients- but they are hard to find. the beech nut dinners usually have 1 or 2 veggies and 1 meat. gerber does make a couple of things they call "simple recipes" that have meat and one other ingredient..



answers from Grand Rapids on

Hi J.,
I would call your ped. to make sure but I think mine told me at about 9 months. I think it's kind of up to you. If you think that she is ready I would try it. Good luck



answers from Detroit on

I think it's around 9 mos, but to be honest they are really gross. My son would never eat any of them and I couldn't really blame him. I waited until he was about a year and started giving him finely chopped chicken.



answers from Detroit on

I have always read to start meats at 8 months. but my daughter hated the jar meats. I had bought a little contraption that is like a mesh bag with a handle and i would put steak or other meats in it and it allowed her to suck all the juice out of the meat and chew on it but couldnt chock. the mesh bag in general was her favorite thing ever.



answers from Saginaw on

I agree with the one post. They are yucky and my son who turned a year old didn't like them. At 8 months old i gave him soft things like veggies and stuff. Plus only given one thing at a time helps with allergies to foods. Then as he got use to different things i too started giving him fine pieces of chicken and like little things of meatloaf. He loved it.



answers from Grand Rapids on

I have a 10 month old and I started him on pureed meats when he was around 8 1/2 months old. He hated it at first, so I'd just put a couple spoonfulls in a bowl to let him try. He started liking it about a week later. Good luck!

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