Into. of Meats...YUCK!!!!!

Updated on June 19, 2007
M.B. asks from Rochester, MI
7 answers

What order do I introduce the meats?

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answers from Detroit on

i really dont think meats at that age with those nasty baby food jars are necessary my daughter never had them and she eats every kind of meat i dont know theres just something about them that seem so nasty i dont think meat should be able to be preserved in a little jar for that long theres so many other ways they can get protien i really wouldnt worry about it at all but i would always talk to ur doctor

(and for all the other newer moms do veggies before fruits otherwise they'll like the sweets and wont want to do the veggies)



answers from Detroit on

Welcome to the area. My son Elijah who is 19 months ate a few of the Gerber meats ... he liked the Turkey w/sweet potato and chicken with apples or chicken with pears ... if your daughter won't eat the Gerber ones, try the Beech nut, I've heard good things about them, or if you live near an organic market such as Wholefoods, there is a brand of baby food that is in the freezer section. Everything is made in a home like environment and then frozen before it's shipped out to retain the freshness. I've heard great stuff about that company too and when my daughter Nayomi is ready to start baby food, I will be buying that instead of the Gerber ... I think you get like 4 or 5 servings per container. I don't know what the brand name is, sorry.



answers from Detroit on

it doesnt matter the order that you introduce foods..

I never fed my daughter meat only baby food.

I fed her the dinners with meat as an ingredient.

If you live near a Sav-a- lot groecery store- they sell beech nut baby food- they make some dinners with only a few ingredients...turkey and sweet potatoes... or such...

Gerber dinners usually have a lot of ingredients..

My daughter likes meat now... and she never got it as baby food-



answers from Detroit on

I try on occasion to have my little ones eat the chicken or turkey jar baby food but still at almost 10 mths. they hate it. So I don't push it. They get plenty of iron from veggies and formula.
No order to try. I would just go with single meats not mixed w/ anything else.
Good luck!



answers from Kalamazoo on

i never did the baby food meat... i blended when needed then fed little bites to start.... i have 4 kids and only one that is not really a "meat eater"... he feeds on almost everything but meat.... Try taking whatever you are having for dinner and blending a tad, and feeding, then just bits....
good luck



answers from Jackson on

I never fed my babies meat. It just wasn't necessary for us. We are semi-veggie...we eat the occasional fish or chicken/turkey. But most of our protien comes from beans, or grains, or tofu.

You don't have to introduce in any certain order either.



answers from Grand Rapids on

Hi M.,
Both of my kids wouldn't eat the baby food meats. If she is already on stage 3 foods just try and give you a turkey dinner one. Make sure she knows how to chew. When my now 17 month old son was 10 I started giving him cut up chicken and he loved it. He wouldn't touch the jar meats. Good luck.

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