Telling her that no one should EVER touch her there - may lead to problems down the road. This is MY opinion though.
My husband and I use "off the cuff comments" around our boys - if they don't "get it' we don't need to get more serious - if they do - we don't act surprised, we just start talking about it.
She needs to know she can come to you with anything - do NOT judge her. tell her what YOU would do!! Both my boys know they can tell me anything...i've had some outlandish questions too!!! My 10 year old is "learning" family life in school...and the kids are already forming their own opinions on things..urgh!!!
I would continue talking to her about what she can expect in regards to her period - should she start at 9 years old...it's sooo much younger than when I started (7th grade)....make sure she's prepared and won't freak out when she finds blood in her underwear or on toilet paper after wiping...talk with your pediatrician to find out what they suggest.
I can tell you that she needs to have CONCRETE information and VALUES. Explain to her that sex is SUPPOSED to be special and not just a one night stand. That just because she hears "everyone" is doing it - you can guaran-darn-tee her - they are not!! It's OKAY to say NO! it's preferred that she wait until marriage (this of course depends upon your morals and family values).
What would you have wanted YOUR mom to tell you? for me? my daughter is now 25 and I was talking to her about sex (as we are bombarded with it on the TV, music videos, etc.) when she was 5 years old. Preparing her for her period, etc. So when it happened, she came in and said - I put a pair of underwear wet in the wash and used the pad. I said "oh okay - how are you feeling?" fine.
My boys? I tell them that NO means NO. I tell them that we've heard about "rainbow parties" and the like - and things like that are demeaning, not only to the girls involved but to you as well. Sex is PRIVATE - not a public display....we are trying to keep our boys young and innocent but not shield them.
I hope this helps you!!