I think censoring is useful in times of war, state secrets, and raising children. As I'm not in a war zone, have yet to be made Dictator for Life, and I'm not a child, censoring vexes me. Someone is VERY slap happy with the report button today/yesterday. I've noticed 9 or 10 *poofed* Qs and Responses.
Rather coincidentally, I just added this to my profile, since I'm on that list.
Wow. I just got reported for "flaming" in an answer where the general theme was "Everyone here is pretty awesome, really diverse, & welcome!" New personal best. Prior to my personal best had been a 'learning reverence for the elderly' post. Brilliant. At least that one I had a clue (someone thought the public baths in japan = nudity is a sin and you're an evil person... they PM'd me). This one I'm pretty clueless on. Although I DID say one of the general rules around here is not to report people (because the system is automatic, no moderator) if you merely disagree with what they've written. So it's possible it was a joke. Or then again, a new personal best.