When Do I Let Him Sleep Overnight W/ Out Diapers?

Updated on August 23, 2006
S.J. asks from Saint Cloud, MN
7 answers

My son has been day and Nap potty trained for about amonth. When do I try to put him in inderwear at night? He is 31 mos old.

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answers from Minneapolis on

Hi S.,
My son is 3 years old and i did the same thing. I knew he was ready when his pull up was dry in the morning. I just made him go potty before he went to bed even with a pull up and when he woke up dry i put him in underwear. I think i gave him a week or two in pull ups trying that way and then i went to all big boy underwear.


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answers from Minneapolis on

You didn't mention if he's dry overnight or not yet? If he wears a diaper at night and it's dry then I'd go to the undies. Otherwise, I wait until the night before you plan on washing sheets anyways and then try it. You can go a few extra days with them and see if he has an accident. Be sure to get a plastic cover for his mattress though. They have the full cover zip on ones or the fitted sheet like ones. They're great, I have them on all of my kids and guest beds. Mattresses are way too expensive to take the chance.

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answers from Milwaukee on

My daughter is 3 and we still do pull ups at night. She wakes up dry most of the time, but sometimes not. I know it is hard because you don't want to keep buying pull ups (that is how I feel anyway!) One of my girlfriends still uses night pants her son is 5; he wakes up dry, but had problems when another baby came along. When the time is right you will know ;-)



answers from Minneapolis on

I was so afraid my daughter would wet the bed mostly because she still was in MY bed that I had pullups on her at bedtime until she went 3 months straight without a accident. She is now 5yrs.old and has wet the bed ONCE! The one and only time I didn't have her go potty before bed. I am very lucky. I make sure her liquid intake isn't obsessive late at night, she always has to use the bathroom right before she get's into bed and that has worked like a charm. You can always put plastic sheets on a bed or if your using a toddler bed those mattresses are usually waterproof.



answers from Minneapolis on

Hi my name is J. I would say that if its been a month and things are going well stop putting the night dipper now. If he knows he can pee in his sleep he will!



answers from Minneapolis on

We kept our daughter in an overnight type of pull-up until she demanded to wear underware instead-she had been waking up dry for quite a while (probably a month or so-but boy when they have an accident it is quite the mess, so better safe than sorry). If your son isn't begging to wear the big boy undies, I'd wait until he is and has been waking up dry.

Good luck!



answers from Sheboygan on

hi S.. the best thing is to watch his pullups in the morning to see if they are dry. im in the same spot as you. ive been tryig to figure the same thing out. my son is almost 4. and for naps and bedtime goes on a pullup. he still wakes up wet sometimes. so ive been waiting on the undies over nite. good luck. and let us know what happens.

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