I don't think the time of the year nor the position they are conceived in has anything to do with gender.
Does seem to be the case for me though ;)
I was just curious as to what months people conceived a girl or boy to see if it really matters. Some people say that more girls are conceived in the fall boys are conceived in winter. Or what did you do to sway if you did anything at all?
I don't think the time of the year nor the position they are conceived in has anything to do with gender.
Does seem to be the case for me though ;)
September, boy
September, girl
Birthdays are June 23 and July 12... one was early, one was late. :)
I conceived my daughter in June and conceived my twin boys in June, 3 years apart. My twins are due on March 13, 2012, which is my daughter's 3rd birthday.
I conceived in July and in October/November. Girls both times. I just looked at the Chinese gender chart out of curiosity. According to it, I should have had boys.
2 boys both concieved in April, 1 girl concived in February.
I do not think months matter, your ph levels matter and timing of ovulation.
both kids were in august. boy in 2008, and girl 2010. born on the same day.. couldnt do that again if i tried.... or could i ????
Conceived in December had a girl.
Noticing a lot of people that conceived in Dec. Guess we know what our husbands got for Christmas. ;)
The second we tried all sorts of things that are supposed to help you conceive a boy but as you can tell we got another beautiful girl.
March both times. Boy first time girl second.
Conceived in November, girl born in July she was 3 weeks early.
Conceived in May/June and June/July (not exactly sure if it was last week or first week of either month. :) Both girls
I think it might also depend on the age of the mother, especially if you put stock in those Chinese Birth Charts which are supposed to be really accurate. (I mean it's got to be at least 50% accurate right?)
November----girl, september---girl, september----girl
Conceived in may of this year and it's a girl :) son was conceived sept of 05
I have two kids born in May, one a boy one a girl.
In total add to that a girl March and a boy April. So June July August August, age wise boy girl boy girl by birthdays in the year girl boy girl boy.
My son was conceived in September. My daughter in January.
Baby one - Conceived September - girl
Baby two - conceived September - boy
Conceived my first in December (born in August), and we had a girl. Conceived our second in February, and should know in about a week or two what we're having! I dont' think the time of year determines the gender, but I have read that getting pregnant during certain parts of your ovulation cycle can have an effect. Still, I don't think it's been proven. Most of what I read says that any of these theories show a 50% chance, so it's probably one of those things that just happens the way it's mean to with no way of controlling the results :)
August (girl)
September (girl)
May (girl)
It's different for every year; google the chinese gender calendar.
May, July & September -- all boys
1st conceived beginning of December-had an August girl
2nd conceived in June-had a March girl
Beginning - Mid April = BOY
Hi - I'm not sure I'm relevant to your sample population since I conceived in the summer! :-) I know the exact date - June 8th, 2011. And we're having a boy.
Didn't do anything to sway the gender and had no preferance, as this is our first child. Just want him to be healthy!
A son and daughter, both conceived in August, another daughter was conceived in March.
hmmm...my son was conceived at the end of december, and my daughter was conceived halloween weekend. So they both seem kind of wintery, so I don't know!
Conceived in December and March - both girls!
conceived in december, had a boy :)
Early August...boy.
I conceived in mid April. I have one boy
I conceived my son in mid-May
June and I had a girl. =)
I conceived my first two boys around Christmas time....they are both September birthdays. I conceived my daughter around April. I highly doubt that the month matters at all. Sounds like an old wives tale to me!
Conceived in January. Had boy/girl twins ;)
1st child was conceived in October and was/is a girl.
2nd child was conceived in September (I believe) and was/is a girl.
3rd child was conceived in December and was/is a boy.
I have 2 girls and 1 boy. The boy was conceived in late summer and so was one of the girls. The other girl was conceived in winter. I did nothing to sway the gender. My cousin tried to sway to get a boy but they got a girl. So I am not convinced that it is possible. Work from home without selling, parties, or inventory. www.IWorkFor3.com
December....and I had a boy & a girl.
My daughter was conceived at the beginning of November and my son was conceived toward the end of November. I don't think the month of conception has much to do with gender. My best friend growing up was a girl, she had a brother 3 years older than her and they shared the exact same birthday in April.
dd was concieved in October 08 born 3 weeks early July09.
Our son was conceived in February.
I concieved in the end of July and I am not sure if we are having a boy/girl yet. This pregnancy feels 100% different than my others which were boys so I am thinking possibly a girl. I took many gender prediction tests and they have all come out with GIRL
concieved mid/late August and had a boy.
These links DID say I'd have a boy. I think it matters differently for each couple. IMO it's a 50/50 chance no matter WHEN you conceive.
My first two were conceived in May and were girls. My third was conceived in late January to early February and she was a girl! We did not do anything to sway it either way. We just wanted healthy babies!
Early to mid April and May, both girls...the chinese calendar was right the first time, not the second but that particular day was only 50% accurate.
conceived in either late September or early October. Had a boy. :-)
Didn't do anything to choose gender, but also wasn't doing anything for family planning which which explain conceiving! An oops, but a very wonderful surprise!!
Conceived in April --- boy, conceived in Jan. ---boy. Guess it doesn't matter either way for me!
hm, i conceived in october and had a son.
We conceived both of our kids in February (different years) and they were both boys.
Conceived in December 2008
Had a boy (5 weeks early) in August 2009
Late September (girl)
Late August (boy)
Early June (boy)
Both boys, August and February.
October - boy
April - girl
Based on the answers you've received there doesn't appear to be any sort of connection.
1 - August - girl
2 - February - girl
July- girl
October- girl
May- girl
I am suspicious that we may just make girls :)
My girl was conceived in July.
My boy was conceived in June.
Both my babies were conceived in spring and both are winter babies; one boy and one girl, 23 months apart (my son's birthday is in December and my daughter's birthday is in January). We were in college and both were conceived around the time of finals during spring semester, so I guess you could say our stress-relief during those times resulted in two babies. ;-)
I conceived in sept and oct, both boys.