Hey, I don't blame you for not wanting her shoes all wet. I have missed some of my kids jumping in puddles. I don't ALLOW it. Kids are fast. Usually, it's the other way around for me. Parents hand me a kid that has socks on or maybe nothing, and they tell me that their shoes are wet and muddy. And yet, they KNOW that we will likely have to leave the house that day. We go places all the time. Lately, I've been having people show up with kids in pajamas with no other clothes to change them into. I don't want to take kids out and about for field trips in pajamas!
I do think you need to just leave it alone. It's not likely to happen again and they will just see you as a whiner if you say anything. Wait to see if they do it again.
As far as the sock thing.. I get so frustrated with my kids taking off their socks. After putting them back on once, they can just have cold feet!