Personally- this is just my opinion- I think spending that amount of money on cheerleading is sort of obscene. I mean, I know your daughter likes it and is good at it- but is this going to be her life? Is she planning on being a lifetime competitive cheerleader? Are you betting on her getting a college scholarship from it? What exactly will be the payoff, emotionally, financially and practically for your daughter and your family for this?
If she is already cheering through her school, have her do that! It sounds to me like the coach is pulling your leg- a cheer squad that is taking in that amount of money will have try-outs for top positions on the squad and any number of backups in case someone gets hurt. What if your daughter sustained a serious injury (god forbid!)?? Your poor daughter would be hurt, you would be on the hook for who knows what medical bills- and the coach would just appoint another kid to take her place. So who could really be in a 'grave position' here??
I'm not trying to be harsh, but you just sound like in YOUR heart, you've made a decision. You don't want to disappoint your daughter, I understand that. But- she is 13, she can cheer at school. When she turns 16 if she wants to join a cheer team like this again, she can get a job and earn her own extra money to pay for it.
I think the coach and your daughter are pushing you into doing something you cannot afford and don't really want to do. People suggesting that you have garage sales or ask relatives for money are sort of missing the big picture IMO. I mean, I can see that those things might keep the cheering going- but is that REALLY the best thing for the family as a whole? It just does not sound like it to me.
Be the parent- use common sense and just say no.Your daughter will have to understand that you just can't afford it right now and she can always do it again later. This is a lesson kids need to learn sooner or later. The family as a whole needs to come before one person's personal enjoyment sometimes. Good luck!