After reading your original post and your SWH, here's what I am thinking, mom. He knows you are desperate for him to eat. That's causing him some stress and he is reacting to it by not really wanting to eat. He also is starting to figure out that he can push the food away and you will try all kinds of things to get him to eat. That ratches up the process so that you are willing to even feed him the floor.
Instead, go ahead and employ the reverse psychology. He's already shown you that he falls for it. Allow him to eat from your plate, although you aren't encouraging it. Keep eating from your plate so that he knows it's going to be gone quickly, and he'll keep wanting it. Perhaps you can even start eating HIS food. He might start wanting to eat it so that you don't eat it.
As far as milk is concerned, start transitioning to 4% milk. Add it to his formula over a few weeks until it's just milk. When he's hungry, put one inch of milk in his cup and tell him that he can eat after he drinks his milk. That includes what is on your plate. When he sees you eating and only has a sippy cup, he'll drink the milk. Only put a little bit of food on his plate, and when he wants more, give him another inch of milk.
In between meals, give him milk. Make sure that he gets foods with calcium and a vitamin. I'd measure the amount of milk he actually drinks every day and ask the doc how much milk he needs now.
Good luck,