I think some kids are over scheduled, and some kids are under scheduled, and it reeeeeeally depends on the kid and the family. "Overscheduled" is whenever it's affecting the children or the family negatively.
Take my son; He can be in 2 activities a day MOST days, and be perfectly happy. In fact, that's often what we do. 3 pushes it, if it's 3 every day, but 3 some days is fine. My friends, otoh, with YOUR schedule are exhausted, and miserable, and there's never enough time. They reeeeeeally need to cut back.
There was a comedian back when god was a boy who said:
"There are only 2 types of drivers; Maniacs & Morons. Maniacs are the drivers who drive faster than you, and morons are the drivers who drive slower than you!"
It's funny, but that one line has reeeeally informed my opinion about other people and how they live their lives. Specifically, how my knee jerk reaction is sooooooo typical. Maniacs and Morons.
People can look at our schedule and go gape mouthed, or they can look at our schedule and go : Different family with different needs.
NO ONE says kids in daycare after school are 'overscheduled'. YET they go to school for 8 hours, go to daycare for 3 hours (1 before and 2 after school).
HOW is that any different from a SAHP who takes their kids to activities after school instead of having someone else (the daycare) provide them?
NO ONE (outside of homeschoolers;) say awayschool kids are over scheduled who only go to school, but that's EIGHT hours a day of classes. ((LOL I've had people tell me having my son in 4 hours of classes a day is insane... but we homeschool. 4 hours of activities in a 14 hour day? Um. 10 hours left to "fill"))
True extroverts are RARE (as rare as true leaders). Most people are at least somewhat introverted, and most people are followers (neither is a bad thing). True extroverts get as EXHAUSTED AND STRESSED OUT by being alone as a shy kid does thrust into a large group of kids. People often look at parents of extroverts like they're nuts as they try and provide a calm and relaxing and balanced life for them -aka LOTS of time around other people!!! (but no one looks at parents of shy kids like they're nuts).
Those 8yos with daily schedules... I can think of half a dozen reasons why that might be the BEST choice for their family / totally relaxing / normal (extroverts, sahps, short school days, no daycare, homeschoolers, physically active kids) just of the top of my head, and I'm sure there are dozens more . Are some kids "pushed to the brink by crazy parents"? Sure. Some kids are also beaten and molested by their parents.
IN GENERAL I've found that most parents are good people who UNDERSTAND THEIR KIDS and their kids' needs and personalities and try to do the best by them and USUALLY SUCEED.
I think very very FEW parents are actually just crazy overscheduling their kids.