Prior to having my first child I was so close-minded about how I was going to feed him. I was FOR SURE going to breastfeed him and got roped into the brainwashing crowd of the super-pro breastfeeders. You know - those who say formula is poison, formula feeders are lazy, my kid would hate me and grow a tail if I didn't breastfeed him until he left for kindergarten. I went to the classes, researched breastfeeding online, bought all the needed supplies, blah blah blah.
I was so wrapped up in doing everything "right" that when the breastfeeding was not working out, I had absolutely zero perspective at what was really important - making sure that my baby got fed and making sure that I was emotionally healthy, and neither of those things were happening. I went to exclusive pumping and carried on that chore 8 times a day for four months as a brand new mom with a horribly colicky baby.
It was so hard to give up the EPing and I felt so guilty, but when I finally came to my senses and recognized that *I* deserved to be healthy and not stressed out I instantly became a better mommy. This resulted in a happier baby and family.
I missed out on enjoying my firstborn's 4 months of life because I was not flexible enough to make a decision that suited our needs. I'm not trying to knock breastfeeding, but I wish I would have seen that it was not the right choice for me earlier on.