What Is a Good Way to Find a Job and Make Money Fast?

Updated on September 12, 2011
M.Y. asks from Plant City, FL
4 answers

my husband is on medical leave of absence and I'm currently a stay at home mother but we need money coming in asap! and can't find any work.I tried the home mailers program but that was a scam.and we applied for unemployment about three weeks ago but we still have got no call or pappers in the mail.I looked in the flier and on various websites for jobs like job search,craigslist etc.any suggestions that we have not tried?

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answers from Boca Raton on

Sell stuff on ebay. I do it as a part time job, and it is fun and can be lucrative. Good luck!


answers from Boca Raton on

I take care of my mom, who's no longer independent. We spend time at her condo in Florida and my home in Ohio. My choice is a home business and today I work mostly on the phone and the Internet. If you're interested, you'll find links to my site on my profile page. Since that's not for everyone, here are a few suggestions that come from my experiences.

Especially where mom lives in Boca, there are many seniors who need help - Everything from caregivers to companions. I know many people who help seniors who need light housekeeping, assistance with meds, preparing meals, showers, hair, nails, shopping (with or for them), driving them to doctor appointments and other events, and just friendly visits. It wouldn't be unreasonable to charge $10 an hour. You can advertise on local bulletin boards, churches and especially senior centers. Put ads on Craig's List and other local websites. There are many free ones.

If you have an extra bedroom, you can rent it. You'll give up some privacy, but you'll get a check every week or month. You'll have to work out the rules for common areas of the house. I have a business partner in Silicon Valley who rents her 4 upstairs bedrooms to commuters. They stay with her thru the week, then return home for the weekends. So, they're only there evenings and overnight from Monday thru Thursday and they leave Friday morning for work, then go home for the weekend. If you live near a college, you might advertise for a student.

If you love to cook, you could prepare meals for people who don't have the time or talent. I know someone who works for a doctor's office, preparing lunches for the office. The doctors give her a menu for the week. She shops, prepares and delivers the meals daily. Many people who work would be happy to pick up a healthy, homemade meal on their way home from work.

Good luck finding the job or business that's just right for you. I'd be happy to talk with you if you need more details or more ideas.




answers from Tampa on

Aw man I went through the same thing except I did the braclet making thing...man they really know how to get ya don't they. I did find a job since then and also found a great way to supplement my income and even make it my main source of income if I wanted...that being said please check out the website AtHomeMomz.com if it peaks your interest. Just click get more info we get you an appt set to get you all the info then you can decide if we will be a good fit for you. Hope I helped you and look forward to hearing from you soon. Have a great day!



answers from Pensacola on

Offer to keep kids in your home during the school day? Like a daycare type thing. Sorry I don't have more ideas!!

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