In home child care can be wonderful for lower ratios of children to caregiver which means more individual attention and reduced illness occurances than a child care facility. The advantages of a child care, however, are that there are multiple caregivers incase there is personal illness or emergencies. Also there is a more steady flow of visitors (more eyes) that see what is happening throughout the day. Some child care are also accredited by DAEYC with lower ratios and higher education for caregivers. Basically they meet a higher standard of care.
If you choose in home care, I would definitely check into licensed in home care providers. You could probably get a list of licensed providers from your local child care licensing office. Then you know that the individual at least meets the minimum requirements as far as CPR and First Aid certification, criminal history background checks, and home safety, etc. I would look for a provider with an open door policy so that you can come in unannounced at any time during operating hours to see the activities. I would also require references. You need to consider what you are comfortable with and ask questions such as... Will they be driving with your child? Will there be visitors in the home that have not completed criminal background checks? Are family pets current on their vaccinations? Is there a back up careprovider in case the primary caregiver becomes ill or has an emergency? For more info you can visit the Texas Licensing Website
Good luck in finding the perfect fit for your little one.