What Do You Do to Get Motivated??

Updated on November 23, 2011
H.V. asks from Akron, OH
4 answers

I draw. Its something I love to do. I have this idea, dream really, to be able to make a business out of my art.
I have never been "trained" I just have been doing it since I was really little.
So I decided to "do it" SO I've been trying to create things to show as a portfolio.
My problem is, I don't have confidence in myself. I know I CAN draw, everyone tells me my stuff is "amazing" But I don't feel it.
I go through this phases of just being totally disappointed in my "skill" Where I feel like this Grand Idea is Never going to happen because I "CAN'T" or because I am not good enough.
Like right now. I don't know how to get myself motivate or how to change my viewpoint on my work.
What do you ladies do to get yourselves motivated?

What can I do next?

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answers from San Francisco on

Take an art class. You will be around others who share your passion and you can exchange ideas and get feedback.

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answers from Columbia on

1. Travel. Going places always sparks my imagination.

2. Join a group of like-minded people and hang out with them. Just talking about what you love is often enough to really motivate!

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answers from Seattle on

I am an artist by natural skill.

I have taken classes in school. I was in Advance Placement Level my Sophomore year of High School. I took commercial art classes.

I wanted it to be something I did for fun though. I hated when I was being graded on something that is SO personal when you think about it.

After HS and then through what I did in college, my art was always just something for me...and those close to me.

Then one day, while sitting at the Play Toy inside our mall, I met a mom. She was knitting a pair of small booties. I told her they were amazing. and how I wish I had the patience for something like that.

We continued to talk for some times. and they topic of me being an Artist came up. I show her a few photos of what I have done.

Then she dropped the bomb shell of all amazing things to come out of talking to s stranger....she told me she was a Professor at the Local Community College. Highline CC. An English Professor at that. She told me I had to contact the Department and offer up my skills to the student writers and even some of the Professor's. Many of them are Childrens book Author's or have their Students do something in the area of writing.

I am now illustrating for a few of the students...and have been working on a book with a Professor. The book is titled ''Meghan the Miserable''....and is being dedicated to the little girl it represents.

You sound like this is something you REALLY want to be doing. So do not give up.

First you need to decide what area of art you want to focus in on. You have to think most commercial art is done on computers. the only real art in it is the beginning sketches.

There is many different things you could go into though.

Most Musicians still use artists to draw up bill board art.

The thing I think that hold people up when trying to chase a dream in the ''Where do I even start'' mind frame.

Makes a list of what you potentially could offer to people with your art.

what area's are you most Passionate about..that type of thing.

Put yourself out there. you never know what could happen:)

Here is some of my work.....And I do not always see it as amazing(but these are my favorites:))...and I am out there doing it for a living...So use this to motivate yourself to get out there:) Cause If I can do it.....I know you can:)


I would love to give you pointers if you are interested:) PM me:)

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answers from Dallas on

I set a goal and visualize achieving it. That's how I get motivated. Usually I use my kids for my inspiration. For instance, once I needed to meet a goal at work, I pictured taking the kids on vacation to sea world with the bonus. I taped Sea Worlds logo to my computer. Its one heck of a motivator when you dont want to let your kids down.

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