We're big on natural consequences here.
If you keep antagonizing the cat, I'll warn you once. If you keep on doing it the cat will likely bite or scratch you and I won't punish or shout at the cat for it. If you harm the cat, however, it won't be tolerated and you'll be separated from the cat AND lose a privilege plus some grounding time. Just like if you were an adult and caught committing animal cruelty.
If you don't clean your room when asked, I will not do it. If you then lose your homework in that mess, I will not bail you out with your teacher.
If you lie to your teachers, if you refuse to do homework, if you refuse to study, if you don't uphold your duties as a student and do the work that you're capable of then I will not bail you out with your teachers. I will help set you up for success (give help when asked, provide materials, communicate with teachers) but if you don't do the work and produce failing grades, then you have to live with the results. Example: My eldest daughter lost the Drill Team that she worked so hard to get on because she had two D's on her report card and she wasn't supposed to get anything lower than a C. That child has never gotten below an A or a B in her life, but refused to do homework or study the whole first semester of school this year. Oh well. No bailout. She's off the team.
If you harm or bully your sisters, then you lose privileges.
If you intentionally break something or make a mess, you clean it up. If it's one of your own belongings, I won't pay for a replacement. If you want a replacement, then earn it or pay for it with your own money.
When you hurt someone physically and/or hurt their feelings even when it's not on purpose you apologize. When someone apologizes to you, you accept the apology. Even if you don't mean it. One day you WILL mean it and you'll be happy you did.