Walking Shoes - San Antonio,TX

Updated on August 05, 2010
K.B. asks from Islip, NY
4 answers

I notice that there are alot of different styles for walking shoes. What do you recommend for a 1 year just starting to walk on own. My son is only 9 months but I have to buy another pair of shoes to get free shipping from Robeez so I might as well get something that he can use in a few months.

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answers from New York on

I reccomend Toddler Tech my Stride Rite. Just make sure it the right size because fit is really important. I would reccomend waiting until he is really walking and get him professionally measured since he may have a wide foot as most young toddlers do. You can get Robeez anywhere (The Gap, StrideRite, Department stores) why are you ordering them...are they on sale?



answers from Indianapolis on

Ask your pediatrician at his next visit.
Our pediatrician was very anti-Stride Rite and the "proper foot formation" preaching.

In his medical opinion, they need environmental protection (rocks, mulch, bugs, stubbing toes) as their feet are very well padded with fat at that age.

He also recommended Robeez. I would have gotten them PediPeds if I'd known about them sooner. Our kids both had Crocs as soon as we could find them small enough. They're now 2 and 4, and because of wide and double-wide feet, we have to get Stride Rite.

We've also had luck with Superga (both boys and girls), Clark's, and some of the shoes at Children's place (if you can believe it).



answers from San Antonio on

I've always had really good luck with Stride Rite. They are made for kids growing feet and have quite a bit of cushion to help their step. Stride Rite also measures their feet so you get a good fit. They can get pricey so look to go when they are having sales. I would just suggest making sure the shoe has support and cushion.



answers from San Diego on

See Kai Run makes exellent flexible soes. Tsukihoshi makes excellent shoes! Stride Rite also has a lot of good shoes to choose from.

I spent a FORTUNE on good shoes for the first year of my son's walking career. I just think foot health is so important!

Now that he is a good walker, I feel I can skimp, a bit on shoes. He wears lots of crocs and sandals.

Keen makes great sandals for early walkers too.

You want good support with lots and lots of flexibility. Stride rite and nordstrom (I love nordstrom kid's shoe department for their choices and trained shoe salespeople!) will fit your child.

The other nice thing about Nordstrom is if you come back a week later with a receipt (or past that) and have an issue with the shoe not fitting correctly. They will change it with no questions.

Check out a nordstrom rack near you if there is one...great deals on excellent kid's shoes.

I really really really recommend getting good shoes for your early walker!

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