Hi V.-
I read all of the posts and I have been doing colonics myself and researching it for years. One-you have to do it for at LEAST once a week for 6 weeks if you want any results at all. Then you would go on a maintenance schedule of one every 6 weeks to one per season. However, what you are doing on a daily routine will depend how often you should do it after the initial protocol.
This has been done since the Egyptian period. Your body in this day and age can not nor will expel toxins in the colon because of what we breathe, eat and drink on a daily basis. There is tar, candida (bad yeast), heavy metals, vaccine particles (such as measles, diphtheria, tetanus, antifreeze and ether lurking) that your body reabsorbs and that is why you get that pudge-the average American is walking around with 10-20 lbs of undigested fecal matter in there colon.
This is perfectly ok for you to do and for optimum health an absolute necessity. A good colonic therapist will "interview" you first and find out your health background and do a 3 day food diary. It is a completely relaxing, wonderful experience. Also to help from here on froward is do some therapeutic teas that will help move the bowels, some really good omegas and probiotics. You also will want to check your gluten intolerance. Anyone reading this especially with ANY issues to acid reflux, IBS, heartburn etc... these conditions are ALL food related and most importantly eat organic (a lot of fruits and veggies!! plus juicing!!) and drink clean water!!
Best and let me know if you have questions!!