Two Questions! - Irvine,CA

Updated on June 08, 2011
S.R. asks from Saint Charles, MO
10 answers

okay, these are two consumer questions that really dont have anything to with the other except for the fact that they are two things that i use on a daily basis and am in a dyer need of new ones!

Vacuums - what is the best kind? where can i find it for really cheap?

Bras - what is the best kind, where can i find it for really cheap and how can get fitted without feeling obliged to buy at the store?

When i said cheap, i meant good deal. i want a good bra and vacuum for a cheap price!

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answers from Kansas City on

I always get fitted at JCP, if she offers me a bra, I say, thanks, then I take it from her and tell her I have more shopping to do. Then I put the bra back, and leave. LOL!

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answers from Seattle on

The best kind of bra is the kind that fits, and feels like air! Which is different for everyone.

I'm a 38F, or 36G. I need underwire, thin NON stretchy straps, (and due to a latex allergy) I go for silks and lace. I also prefer 'pretty', demis, & 2-3 hooks. My bras run me 100-150 each, and are usually french, oddly enough. As yet the EARLIEST one has crapped out on me is 5 years (and I don't treat them gently, I lob them into the machine right along with my son's sports clothes. Even the most expensive; 150...over the earliest they've died; 5 years... that runs me only $30 a year. I still have sexy/pretty/can't feel I'm wearing it (except that the girls stay where they belong)/still looks new (no pilling, dicoloration, etc.) 9 years down the road (4 in fact I bought right after my son was born, and I still have all 4). That's 16 and change. When they're cheaper/on sale... we're talking $5-10 a year.

So those are MY perfect bras :) :) :)

I would suggest Nordstroms for fitting. They're VERY well trained, and they don't work on commission. They also have sizes up to h & i in the back.

Best cheap vacuum? A hoover or kirby from the 50's-70's bought at an estate sale. Those things are POWERFUL, and just keep going, and going, and going... They DO weigh a ton and a half though. All metal parts will do that.

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answers from St. Louis on

You get what you pay for - it is a saying for a reason.

You won't get a good vacuum for really cheap - that's the problem. Dyson are one of the best. You will probably have a heart attack when you look at the price. You could buy a $70 vacuum and replace it year after year, or you could buy a Dyson.

For a bra - to get the best fit, you should be fitted. Go to a specialty store. My fav is Victoria's Secret, although I don't need much fitting help for my small girls! If you find one you like, buy it. If not, tell the sales people no. Practice saying no before you leave the house if you have to! It is your money. Don't let anyone tell you how to spend it.

Often, I will find something I really like and if I don't "need" it, I will go home and search online to see if I can get a better deal. Once you know your size in a certain brand, you can get the bras online (ebay and the like) for cheaper sometimes.

Good luck!!

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answers from Minneapolis on

Not cheap, but great value because they do the job and they last

Dyson vacuums

Wacoal bras

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answers from Honolulu on

Vacuums: well I have had my Kenmore canister Vacuum, from Sear's for YEARS! At least a decade. Still perfect.

Bras: I like the Calvin Klein, T-shirt bras.
Nordstrom, will help you find one, they are very helpful.
You don't have to buy what they suggest. You are NOT obligated.

But if you want a cheap bra, go to Walmart.


answers from Dallas on

You should be looking for a good deal... not cheap. Go cheap and you get cheap

I have an oreck top of the line vac and love it. You can get a model with less money. I paid around $800

Bras, get fitted at a good department store, Nordstroms is very good, Neiman's as well. I like Wacoal bras. They run about $60 each but they do last a long time if you are careful when you launder them.



answers from Los Angeles on

The vacuum I like is CRAZY expensive, so I won't even tell you... but for Bras, the best fittings are at Nordsrom and this little shop called "The Wizard of Bras" I think it's in Monrovia... My sister used to drive there from Cypress. Super knowledgeable staff... check out their how to fit video online. I'd stay away from Victoria's Secret... if your bust is substantial, the bras are not. Some mentioned Wacoal, that's the brand that fits me best, and you can sometimes find them on sale. If you find one you like, check for discontinued colors and you can sometimes get a killer deal.

Best of luck to you and your "girls"

Good Luck.


answers from Dallas on

Vacuums - Oreck. We paid about $500 for ours, and it came with a 10 year warranty. It also came with a hand held vacuum and an iron (not sure why the iron!).

I know it seems like a lot, but we had already spent some money on two other vacuums. One was a dyson, and I can't remember what the other was. They were both around $150-200 and didn't last more than a couple years at the most. Since we were buying vacuums fairly often, we weren't saving money buying cheaper ones. About four years ago we bought the Oreck and love it! It has lasted much longer than the others as has yet to seem like it's even close to dying. It's definitely worth the money and cheaper in the long run (based off of how we were going through them).

Bras - sadly, "best kind" and "cheap" don't go together. I can't find bras for less than $50 that are really good and fit. I have Bravado bras. I measured myself and ordered online on Amazon. I am a 32 H/I (sounds bigger than it really is), so it was really hard to find that size anywhere. But Bravado has tons of sizes.

good luck.


answers from Lafayette on

i got sized at victoria secret. no pressure at all to buy from there. but then again they don't carry my sized bras either.

good luck



answers from Pittsburgh on

Dyson. Look for a gift card back deal at Target.

And Vanity Fair or Olga are really nice.

You can get fitted for free at any lingerie dept. (Macy's Nordstrom's, Penney's, etc and there is NO obligation to buy at all!)

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