Turning 40 and Need a Place to Eat and Drink for 30 People...

Updated on November 01, 2012
L.A. asks from La Grange, IL
4 answers

Hi well I'm turning the big 40, my hubby wants to throw me a party, don't know where?? Ok I'm looking for a place in Naperville, OakBrook or LaGrange area, perhaps dinner then head out to a bar with lively music-top 40 music- for about 30 people...any ideas? or other suggestions... I'm open minded... or even a bar/restaurant. Not to casual and more on the trendier side.

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answers from Chicago on

Hugos Frog Bar ~ Naperville. It's down the street from the strip of bars like Frankies Blue Room, The Lantern, Jimmys.

Pappadeaux near Oakbrook Mall has awesome food and live entertainment. It's also not far from The Clubhouse in the mall. This is one of my fav places.

Cheesecake factory ~ Oakbrook

This is a very popular new place in Naperville very good food; Coopers Hawk. In the same area is Maggianos, White Chocolate Grill

Happy 40th, I just turned 40 too.

Your options are endless in those areas

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answers from San Francisco on

It's your big day, let your husband and friends take care of the details.

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answers from Chicago on

There is a new place in Oakbrook called Pinstripes that just opened at the end of September. I was there last weekend. It has good food, and then has bowling and bocce ball. They have at least one private room that I saw because there was a wedding going on there! I saw someone below mention Cooper's Hawk in Naperville. There is also a Cooper's Hawk in Burr Ridge, which may be closer for you.


answers from Columbia on

I guess it depends upon how fancy of a venue you're going for.

If you're not looking for super fancy, try the local American Legion, VFW hall or check your local parks and rec website for buildings to rent by the hour. It might be more cost effective to bring food and music to your venue as well.

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