You're not silly. If he thinks you're silly, then perhaps he can be the one that goes and gets the snip instead of you? It seems like it's not as emotional for him at all.
And, I am feeling similar to you. We are just about to have baby #5. I really feel done. My hubby feels done. We are in love with the children we have and feel very blessed to have them. But we also carry a genetic disorder that gives our children a 1 in 4 chance of being born with a fatal disease. It's been quite the process to have the five we have had (our first was born with this disease).
Anyway - point being, we really feel like we are done. My hubby offered to get snipped, and I thought that was great. I have no issues with that at all. Then I found out I have an umbilical hernia and they will need to repair my belly muscles to ensure that when they fix the hernia, it'll stay fixed. So, it kind of makes it not a good idea for me to have more babies anyway (if I wanted more, I should wait until I have them all before getting the hernia fixed). Anyway, so now the discussion is whether I want to get my tubes tied since I'm having all that done anyway right after the c-section.
I am having a hard time with it! I totally feel done. I am completely fine with my hubby getting snipped. But it doesn't set right with me (yet) to think of me having my tubes tied. Part of it is that I've treasured every pregnancy and baby and it's an amazing experience...and I feel completely uninterested in sterilizing myself. My hubby - sure (because he doesn't care one way or the other). just hits me weird.
I'm hoping by the time the baby has arrived I will feel okay with it all. I really, really feel done. I currently really don't feel interested in being the one to have it done, though. If it doesn't bother my hubby, perhaps he should just do it. But why don't I since the doctor will already be in there for the birth/hernia repair...
Anyway, in your situation, is there a reason your hubby can't go do it since it bothers you? That's what we would do in your situation:-) It's what we had originally planned on doing! But now with these other issues, it makes it seem like logically it would be easiest for me to get my tubes tied. But emotionally...I'm not sure. If I'm not completely okay with it, my hubby will get it done.