When I had my last c section thats when I had my tubal ligation done, It was pain ful in the beginning. but Ive had no problem with it and its was done 18 years ago.
I have always thought that a tubal ligation or a vasectomy would be the trouble-free answer to the birth control question once we are done having children, but recently I've read about long-term pain from both procedures and uncontrolled bleeding from a tubal ligation. I would be having a tubal at the same time as a c-section, if that makes a difference. I also think it might be my husband's turn because I will have had three babies by c-section and he has had none! : ) Have you had problems with these procedures?
When I had my last c section thats when I had my tubal ligation done, It was pain ful in the beginning. but Ive had no problem with it and its was done 18 years ago.
I had a tubal after my 4th baby. No problems at all. I do ache for another baby sometimes, but with my age and health concerns I am glad I did it!
I also had 3 c-sections, and with my 3rd I scheduled the tubal ligation. Nothing extra was needed to be done they already had me cut open. I had it 8 years ago and I have had NO problems at all.
I had a tubal right after delivery and had no problems. I was tired (of course), but no excessive pain or bleeding. I know a lot of people think it is more dangerous because you go under whereas with a vasectomy you don't. But, doing a tubal right after delivery is really a very routine proceedure and the recovery time is really no more than with a normal delivery. So, if you have any problems, definately let the dr. know. I have heard vasectomies are quite uncomfortable and painful..that's why we went with the tubal and all has been well since!
Good luck!
I just had a tubal ligation 2 weeks ago at the same time as my 3rd c-section. This one and my 1st c-section were both emergency, the 2nd was a routine, scheduled one. I have not had any more pain or bleeding with this one than with the other 2. Actually, my bleeding has been lighter with this one except when I try to do too much - I hate to be told that I can't do something - or when my 4 year old decides to mouth off and I let him get me stressed :) I asked the Dr. if there was additional healing, risks, etc with doing the tubal while she was in there and she told me the only thing she ever really hears about is that periods can be heavier for a while after a tubal is done. Since you're already having a surgery, if you're going to do it, do it now!
Good luck with your decision and with the new bundle of joy!
I have heard that there are less complications with a Vasectomy and I know that there is an easier recovery. I have not heard of any pain for the men after the procedure. I guess I would make sure that you have a good surgeon. There is a good on at Fairview...You don't need another surgery do you????.... hope this helps. Vasectomy's are much less invasive also.
I also had a tubal ligation. I delivered my son vaginally and when they took him away to the nursery to get his temperature stabilized, I was wheeled away to surgery. Vaginal deliveries are quick to recover from, so I was a little suprised at how long it took me to stop having pain after the ligation. I actually had NO pain from the delivery because I had SO much pain from the ligation. But, a day before my six week checkup I really started feeling better. It was mainly sharp pains I had been having that I was concerned about. Now, I am SO happy I had it done, it's been 5 years and I've never had any complications. It's nice not having to worry about getting pregnant.
5 years ago I had a tubal. I had my daughter vaginally and a couple hours later they did my tubal. I don't regret doing it. I haven't had any problems. I have heard of suprise babies from vasectomies and that always bothered me.
My husband had a vasectomy. His pain lasted a bit longer than we think it was suppose to but it has been 9months and no other pain. If you are definately done with having children than I would say it is the way to go. Of course I am not the man, but my husband does not regret it at all.
I had a tubal after my 4th son was born via c-section. I haven't had any problems what so ever. I think my recovery was the same as it would have been if it had just been the c-section. My husband said that it was pretty cool to watch also.
My rationale was - why not do it since I am open on the table. I was the one who was positive that I didn't want any more children and my husband supported my decision although he told me that if I wanted him to he would have done the "V".
Good luck with your decision.
I had a tubal with a c-section last May. I honestly didn't even know the dr. did it...so fast since he already had me 'opened' for the c-section...and I didn't notice any pain afterwards, besides the normal c-section recovery. I am glad I did it. My husband was going to have a vasectomy, but I just decided to do it to have it 'done' and not have to worry about him scheduling the appt, getting it done, whining about it afterwards, etc. LOL!! For me, it was just easier for me to take care of it! Good luck!!!
My husband had the v and he has had no trouble. His father had it over 30 years ago and no problems. The procedure for a women used to be considered major surgery where a guy gets it done in an office. I am very thankful for my loving and selfless husband. He never hesitated and did not even ask me to consider the other option.
I had a tubal after my last c-section, it was fine. No problems at all and since I was already opened up (sorry) it was a no-brainer. I wouldn't risk anything to my husband when I was already going to be having surgery. It took like 4 minutes to rap those babies up tight and I had no side effects that I wouldn't have had without the c-section. Course, if I would have had my daughter vaginally, it would have been a completely different story and my hubby would have gotten snipped. Best wishes with your decision! Congrats!!! A.
Having a c-section with tubal ligation is ultra-easy. They are right there in the area and nothing to cause any problem. As far as incontrolled bleeding or long-term pain, can happen with any operative procedure. These are not remotely common problems with either procedure. Anyone who has these problems usually have other circumstances mixed in. Make your own decision after talking with your physician for more facts and answers to questions.
I have not had a tubal once but twice.. (I had a tubal reversal in 07)I love it... I had it done the 2nd time when I had a c-section for my daughter. It hasnt changed my monthly cycles at all.
I've had a tubal and had no lasting effects and no change whatsoever to my period.
The only pain was for a day or two afterwards...aches in the shoulders that are associated with the fact I had it laparoscopically. If you will already be having surgery, it shouldn't be any additional problem at all.
ok, i know this is a little extreme but I have a couple I am friends with because of the argument over who should have the procedure, they finally agreed to both do it.
there are different ways they can do a tubal, the safest with no cutting is having a "clamp" placed on each falopian tube, it's just as good as having them cut & tied. as for vasectomy, a friend of my husbands' had the procedure done about 4 months ago, it was supposed to only take 10 min, well it turned into almost 2 hours so he didn't go back for his follow up, now his wife is 3 months pregnant. if he decides to have it done, do alittle researching on the urologist & when going in for the consult ask how many he has done in a years time, if it's less than 20, thank him for his time and find another doctor. and if any doctor tells you it's minor & there are no risks & no worries, just get up & leave. good luck.
My husband had a vasectomy though he didn't really want to. After the fact he said it was not too bad. The DR told us right before the procedure that the vasectomy is the safest, most effective and simpilest procedure. Not to mention it is HIS TURN!
I had my daughter at 20 minutes after midnight on Jan. 23, 2003, at 7am same morning I had a tubal ligation. It did take me about 8 weeks to fully heal but once that was done then I don't regret it, I do still have moments of wishing I hadn't done it, but then I go home & look around my chaotic home & realize it was the best move for me.
My dh offered to have a vasectomy... I willingly agreed!
He said it was an easier surgery for him to have than for me to get "fixed" lol. He also talked about the smaller recovery time and He said that I had the babies,,, this is the least he can do.
All worked out fine and that was 6 years ago! I just called him to ask him if he ever had any trouble from it... he said not that he knew of but that maybe I can check it out for him and make sure things are working correctly! LOL
Guess what??? I told him I wanted to watch the surgery and the dr. allowed that... it was something to see - probably a once in a lifetime thing - for anyone!
I'm glad my hubby was willing - it is so nice to not have to worry about birth control anymore :)
Yes, it is your husband's turn!
I had my tubes tied in conjunction with a c-section and actually had an easier recovery than I did with my first c-section. I would say that if you're already having an operation you might as well go ahead with it if you're sure that's what you want to do.
Definitely vasectomy!
From what I heard -- I would say the vasectomy has a track record of less pain and complications. There may be some soreness for the man, but after about three days he should be out of the discomfort zone.
After three children and the c-sections -- how much carving up are you supposed to take? Talk it over with your husband and your doctor. The vasectomy has a higher rate of reproductive success should you want another child. Good Luck.
This is a personal issue for you and your husband. We had decided after 5 pregnancies and two living babies not to have any additional children. I wanted to have a tubal, he said no, he would get a vasectomy. His reasoning seemed sound and he had it done. He followed our physician's instructions and had no problems. His brother-in-law had it done, did not follow the doctor's instructions and had all kinds of problems.
His reasoning was as follows, there is less down time for a man, it is easier to reverse (in most cases) and less expensive should at some time in the future a decision is made to attempt more children, and it is far less expensive to do. His was done in the doctor's office. Our doctor told us he had actually done his own with his wife assisting. A lot less trauma to the body of the man than a tubal is trauma for a woman. There are no hormones being messed with, he reminded us and it is a less invasive surgery procedure.
You can hear horror stories about any procedure. What you have to ask yourself is are the horror stories the norm or not.
I just hear about an alternative to tubal ligation. You can read about it here:
I don't have any advice, just wanted to pass that along. Also, I understand that vasectomies are very simple. I'd suggest you each talk to your doctor with your concerns and questions. Good luck!
I have had three children all by c-section and had my tubes tied immediatly after my third child, since they had me open, I thought , "what the heck !!!" WRONG!!! I wished I would have never had this done. My third child is 19 years old and I haven't felt good since I had him and I blame it on the tubal. I have went through an emotional roller coaster and have went through menopause very early in life although my mother and two older sisters have not even experienced any menopause symptoms. Periods are out of this world. I used to go about 3 days inbetween light & heavy but after this, I would have cramps & 7 days of heavy bleeding and at 52, I am still having periods like this. I have checked into getting my tubes untied but the doctors I have talked to about this say that having my tubes tied has nothing to do with they way I feel or they would ask me if I wanted to have another child. I don't think so, not at 52 years old. I would think about it before you have this procedure done. I know of alot of men that has had a Vasectomy and have not regreted it including my oldest son. So if I were you, I would think about this and let your husband go for it. A Vasectomy is easier & cheaper. I hope you make the right decision. Good Luck!!
This has been a topic of debate in my home. I also have 3 children and all via c/s.
I didn't have my tubes tide at delivery cos the hospital was Catholic and didn't allow them. I am glad I didn't though because I do feel it is his turn.
His is a far less invasive procedure. My sister had her tubes tied Nov 2007 and had a lot of bleeding problems. They had to even to a bipsy to make sure she was thoroughly cleaned.
She also has had a lot of pain and a long recovery.
I know that is just one person but I don't want to have life-long problems. I already do with aching joints, and many other pregnancy related small but ever so annoying things here and there.
I had the tubal done and had a great recovery. Very little down time (one morning, out patient). My husband and I talked about a vasectomy and I have a FILaw and my own father that I believe had complications later in life that may have been attributed to the vasectomy(Always check with your doctor). I knew that I did not want to have any more kids so the decision was easy for me. If anything ever happened to me my husband could still have kids and could make that decison for himself later.
My hubby wanted me to have a tubal after my 2nd baby was born via c-section. My dr. said he could not perform the surgery since I was planning on having her at Marymount. Since it's a Catholic hospital (I went b/c I like it there, not b/c of it's religious affiliation) ~ the Catholic church doesn't believe in that I guess. He said he could do it if I had her at Hilcrest. In the end, I went to Marymount & my hubby had a vasectomy. Obviously there was some pain but he said it wasn't as bad as he had feared. Good luck!
My husband had a vasectomy 2 years ago. He had the procedure done on a Friday and was back at work building cars in a factory on Monday. We definitely followed the doctor's orders and he did absolutely nothing all weekend. Many of our friends and his co-workers have had it done, and they all said the same thing-if you do what the doctor says, you probably will not have any problems. He and I both say it was the best $20 (co-pay) we ever spent!
I don't know any tubal babies (that I know of!) but I know two vasectomy babies! Don't know if that makes any difference or not...
My husband's vasectomy went fine, easy, and he had no problems, and we did not end up with any surprises afterward. He was off work for longer than they told him he would be though.
Its up to you dear, do you want more children? Are you both on the same page? If you want a tubal get it. If you are in a hospital like me that didn't do them, well then it is his turn. Congratulations on your beautiful family.
I would definitely pick vasectomy. You never know what the future brings and you may change your mind on having more kids. A vasectomy is easier to reverse.
Only read a few responses, but wanted to give you one as I was a labor and delivery nurse before I stayed home with kids. If you're having a c-section, do the tubal then. You're belly is open already, much easier, not any big deal. Otherwise doing a tubal after the fact is much more invasive than a vasectomy. Having it done after the fact, you have to either be put to sleep or have another spinal done (he doesn't, done totally with local anesthetic), it is cutting into major muscles in your belly (his isn't), recovery time is much longer for you (his is a few days). But as said before, if you can do it while having the c-section, just do it. Goodluck