Trying to Get Pregnant Again! - Dallas,TX

Updated on August 09, 2007
A.H. asks from Allen, TX
4 answers

I have a stupid question and wonder if anyone can help me.
We want a second baby and have been trying. We had fun trying on sunday:), today I started my period. My question is, if I did get pregnant (keeping fingers and toes crossed:) would I miss the next period coming since this one was to close to miss?
I could never figure out the period method, i never know when before your period or after your period that you are most fertile. Problem is it took a while to get pregnant with my son and we have been trying for a while and nothing has happened.
I hope my question makes is clear, thanks ladies.

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answers from Dallas on


The only time to get pregnant is 14 days after your period starts/14 days prior to next one. Most people are on a 28 day cycle, but some do vary. The egg is only fertile for the first 48 hours after the follicle releases it from the ovary. So, that being said, the best thing to do is count the number of days after you start this period. On the 12th day, start trying. Do it each day the 12th thru the 16th days just to be on the safe side in case you vary. If you try for it those four or five days, you will give yourself the best oppourtunity to get pregnant. Anything after the 16th day would be a waste of, but "technically" not helpful. :) Hope that helps! Good luck!

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answers from Dallas on

I highly recommend that you get one of those ovulation testers at the drug store....they really do work. I know many people who have used them and it's worked. You do a test to find out if you're ovulating so you know exactly when to focus on your "fun"! So, go girl, have some "fun"!



answers from Dallas on

You can get pregant any time of the month!!! I got pregant with my daughter two days prior to my period, and I know that for a fact. We wernt married at the time and living together so I kept track of every single time. A doctor will tell you there are better times than others, but you can get pregant any time. I would consult your doctor first, and ask them for you when is the best time, and make shure there isnt any difficultys standing in you way.



answers from Dallas on

Sorry, but you are almost definitely not pregnant from Sunday's "fun". You almost definitely ovulated two weeks ago, which would have been your fertile time. I highly recommend checking out It explains how to find your fertile time and therefore the best time to have fun! It is a pay site, but you get a 30 day free trial with no obligation. So just give it a try. If nothing else, it really helps you understand your cycles. I got pregnant using it myself!

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