Dear P.: It is usually much easier to determine whether a man is fertile than it is for a woman. Even if he did father his ex's child, his physical situation may have changed since then.
Hi Moms! I am 26 and have a beautiful 4yr old daughter. My issue is that ive been off ANY birthcontrol pill since i had my daughter. I was using condoms but now that ive been in a relationship for a year i havent been able to get pregnant.. We have never used protection for that reason that we both want to have a child but no luck. Is it harder to concive a 2nd child? He is divorced as well and hes ex wife had an abortion and now Im not sure if we both should take a test since its ovious that we both CAN consive. Any advice? Any suggestions for mommy that has had a hold back like me i will appreciate your responds. Gracias!!
Dear P.: It is usually much easier to determine whether a man is fertile than it is for a woman. Even if he did father his ex's child, his physical situation may have changed since then.
homeopathy is good for getting pregnant. even if conventional medicine has "found a problem", homeopathy can work through it. the trick is to find a good homeopath. in this case no one who does homeopath "on the side" to supplement conventional practice i.e. MD, ND, OD, chiro will be able to spend enough time to have result. find classical homeopath for whom homeopathy is the ONLY modality practiced.
Good Luck
I just found this book called "Take Control of Your Fertility" and it's very helpful in describing how to get pregnant. It is very detailed about things to help identify possible solutions to the difficulty of getting pregnant. I bought mine used and it is a great read. I think I can say it gave me hope and a feeling that I really did have control of my body. I now recommend it to every woman I know trying to get pregnant. Have fun trying and good luck!
What about working on the relationship, getting married and providing a stable home for your daughter and then see about adding to your family?
Check your hcg levels and others: thyroid, estrogen... you can have a period and not ovulate, your pituitary gland can shut down. Mine did, I was considered under weight (wouldn't think it if you saw me) and did 'excessive' exercise.
Hi P.,
I'm not sure where you're located geographically, but acupuncture and its associated herbal medicine has a great track record for enhancing fertility. Works best if both members of a couple participate. I can help you find a practitioner who specializes in treating for fertility if you e-mail me.
S. I., L.Ac.
Lotus Wellspring Healthcare
456 E. Mission Road, Suite 100
San Marcos, CA 92069
Hi P.,
I have 2 kids & 1 one on the way. With my first & second child I became pregnant first try. With this pregnancy, it took us nearly 10 months. I know that's not a super long time but when you get pregnant with your other super fast it's very hard to handle. I was super frustrated! So we ended up talking to my OB & he told me NOT to get those fertility packs. He said have intercourse EVERY THIRD DAY...........and it worked! : ) I became pregnant a month after seeing him : ) He did mention that after doing the every third day & no luck after nine months I should go back in to see him.
Good luck!!
Hello P.. Mt first two are four and a half years apart, no birth control in between there. My youngest of that duo is now 13, and I just had a baby in March. I was on birth control for 10 years, so I guess it took me about a year and 8 months to get pregnant with my last, although I was not in any way, shape or form trying to, since I was told I'd never be able to have kids again. Good luck!! I don't believe that there is any correlation between first and second conceptions (conceiving) and levels of difficulty, but I could be mistaken. My guess is, if you have conceived before, and youtr boyfriend was the father of the aborted baby, then you are both fertile. Not sure how many years ago his situation was, or if anything has happened to either of you in the meantime and between time, but it seems plausible that you two are able to mate :) lol
Hello P.,
Just a quick note to tell you my story. I had my first child at 26, she was conceived after about 2 1/2 yrs of trying. I thought is was because I was on birth control for about 7 years before, but then we decided when she was 2 we would start trying again. We wanted 4 children. I tried and tried for 4 years, gave it up to God, then finally said, well I am going to the doctor. He told me that it was easier to test me first before my husband. So I was tested with a blood test. It was me. My eggs where coming down flat instead of round and ready to be fertilized. So I had to go on Clomed (sp?) an oral fertility to get my eggs to do the right thing. I don't know if this helps you. It's easier for you to get tested first and then if things check out, it's his turn. I hope it all works out. I do have a 2nd child, born 5 1/2 years after my first, but I haven't been able to conceive since. I am grateful for the two beautiful children that I have.
Good luck to you and your family.
First, I cannot believe some of the preachy, judgmental responses you've received. Every family has their own circumstances, and you and your partner are the only ones who can decide when it's right to start trying for a baby. "Leaving it up to God" is not a way to understand your body. You should ALWAYS be empowered to understand your cycle, your fertility signs, and know what is happening to you physically, and to work with your partner and your doctor.
Having said that, I really recommend reading the book, "Taking Charge of your Fertility". It teaches you about what is really happening during your cycle, and how to keep track of when you are most/least fertile.
It will also help you troubleshoot if you do have a fertility issue, and can provide your doctor with information quicker if you do need treatment to help conceive. It took my husband and me about a year to conceive our second baby, and based on my charts, it was because I was having only one truly fertile day each month, making the timing trickier for us.
Good luck, and best wishes!
Marriage first. Then, provide a stable home environment for your little people. If you don't have a relationship with God, get one fast and allow him to minister to you about your life. Find a bible believing church and become a part of it. You can't go wrong with God leading you.
P. I
Sometimes it is very possible that the one reason for not becoming pregnant is because your trying to hard or too stressed out. Relax and allow your body to function normally. Then there are those times that a couple cannot conceive because of biological incompatibilities. The latter is not the fault of either individuals involved. You probably should have this checked out by your PCP. Then decide from there what you want to do next. This can be devistating if the news is not good, but knowing one way or the other will put your mind at ease. I'm sorry I cannot give you any more ideas. I personally was told that if I had anymore children I would have to choose between my life and the life of my baby. I took steps to not have to choose. I hope my ideas and thoughts were not too upsetting for you, I did not mean them in that way. I wish you all the best and you have nothing but good times ahead. Enjoy your daughter she is a jewel. Good Luck!
Maybe your just not meant to get pregnant at this time. You are both divorced you already have one child and you work full time. Are you planning on marrying this man? Bringing in more kids with different fathers can cause a lot of issues for your kids maybe this is natures way of saying it's not time yet. Everything happens for a reason it's only been a year your young still count it a blessing for now.Good luck I hope things work out for you.
I just thought of too maybe you could have gotten an STD you said you have never used a condom you might want to have that checked some of them have no symptoms but can cause problems with getting pregnant hope thats not the case but worth looking into
I wanted a second child so much that I apparently psyched myself out of ovulating! You know how there are physical signs of ovulation? They all disappeared! Finally after trying for a year my husband and I decided we didn't want a second child after all. I ovulated and was pregnant the next month. Go figure.
it took me over a year with my second. i started using the ovulation kits from cost-co and i was prego in 6 weeks.
good luck
Hi Patsy,heres a list of things you can try.One make sure your body is in good condition ,your weght, no smoking from either you or him, limit alcohol, Try getting a yoga dvd and work on relaxing. drink red rasberry leaf tea (at least a coupl e cups a day) it is a good uterine tonic, all women should drink it from the time you start puberty thru menepause. NOW you can try something called lunarception,this is using light to trip ovulation.What you do is- just to make it easier i'll use a 30 day cycle ,say you start your period on the 1st of the month, sleep in total darkness ,use a sleep mask if you have to and also eliminate electrical things in your room ,on the 12th day to the 16th take off the sleep mask and put a night light on, these are the days you should try, stay laying with your legs a bit elevated for about 10 min,I know its not the most romantic way but it works. If your still having problems there are a lot more thing I can help you with, I am trying to write a book for women ,if I can get through my lupus and some personal things in my marriage,CBS did a story about me I do all holistic work with women from infertily thru pregnancy and birth I use to follow my patients through their pregnancy and get them through a natural birth with minimal pain,I have 5 kids so I worked with an office in my home, some personal changes have occured in my life but I have alot of knowlege on natrual medicine. I wish I knew how to start an online business to help women but until then you can contact me on here and I can help you.
NAET.com, also see a naturopathic doctor. If you are in the West LA area you can go on the NAET.com website and locate Dr. Moise, he is an NAET allergist and a naturopathic doctor. Most of the problems we have are allergy related.
Be well.
Hi, P.,
There are many reasons why you might not be getting pregnant. After having tried virtually everything to become pregnant, including several rounds of high-tech fertility treatment (IVF and ICSI) as well as immune treatment, miscarrying twice and finally having delivered two healthy children, I recommend that you and your boyfriend consult a reproductive endocrinologist. I discovered that with all the misinformation out there it's easy to waste valuable time, energy and resources trying to become pregnant. I highly recommend Reproductive Partners and Pacific Fertility Center (Dr. Sahakian).
Good luck,
Lynne E
It took me 2 years to get pregnant with my 2nd! My first was conceived on our first try. It was very frustrating. I ended up seeing a obgyn who removed a fibroid that I had and a partially blocked tube. After that, he put me on a very low dose of clomid and I concieved the 2nd month and now have a healthy and wonderful 2 yr old boy. secondary infertitlity it common as we get older. Dr. Chotiner in Reno, Nv. works miracles at getting women pregnant. I would suggest seeing a good doc so you can start to look into your options. Good Luck and hang in there! It will happen!