Your daughter is 2.5 years old? 3? Or older?
For that age, a trike would be better.
My son for example, is 3.5 almost 4 years old, and is about 43" tall. He, if we lower the seat height on my daughter's bike, can reach the pedals.... BUT he needs help with us pushing him.
BUT, if using his tricycle, he does not need help and can propel himself on his own.
A bike with training wheels, for a 2.5-3 or even 4 year old, to me, is not the best solution. I would get a tricycle.
If you do get a bike with training wheels, then get the lowest in height.
My daughter is now 7 years old, she now can ride her bike without the training wheels. But until then, she was using the training wheels.
When she was only 2.5-5 years old, she was still using her tricycle.
Not a 2-wheeler bike.
A bike with training wheels, is still 'hard' to pedal on grass. I know that because both my kids tell us that. So they ride on pavement. Unless with the tricycle which is easier to pedal either way.
all the best,