Bike with training wheels is much easier to ride. The trikes' pedals are so far forward that they are hard to pedal. We got my 2 yr old son a 12 " bike and he loves it. He will have it for at least another couple years (I hope).
My son will be 3 in February and Grandma wants to get him a bicycle or tricycle for Christmas. I'm not sure which one would be better. I'm leaning towards a bicycle with training wheels since I think he'll get more use from it then the tricycle. What do you mamas think?
Bike with training wheels is much easier to ride. The trikes' pedals are so far forward that they are hard to pedal. We got my 2 yr old son a 12 " bike and he loves it. He will have it for at least another couple years (I hope).
bike with training wheels. We had a small one for my son when he was three, and he was riding without the training wheels by 4.
bike w/ training wheels
Get him a big boy bike with training wheels. My son will be 3 in Feb as well and was riding his big sister's bike w/ training wheels all last summer (at 2 & 1/2) with no problems at all. He has a trike too (which he does still like and can go REALLY fast on), but he's a pretty little guy and even so I'm pretty sure he'll be too big for the trike by the time summer rolls around again. Your son will definitely get longer use out of the bike. Good luck. He is going to have a fantastic Christmas!
Or PlasmaCar? :) :) :)
It's been the neighborhood favorite for 2yos - 8yos (and counting). Typically we start requiring helmets at about age 3 when the "scoochers" start going fast. Incredibly maneuverable (less so for we adults when we pop on them, but *super* maneuverable for lightweight kids), sturdy, balanced, fast or slow, easy to steer, low to the ground, stable -we've only had 1 spill in 6 years of almost daily riding), and can be ridden indoors and out.
Bike with training wheels would be my suggestion. My 2 daughters did not learn to ride without training wheels until they were about 8 since they rarely ride bikes, so at about age 5 we got them those razor scooters to learn how to balance. After having said all the above, in my family of 3 siblings we had one of those red tricycles that we used until we were quite old, probably about 10, since you could stand on the back and use it like a scooter even when we could not longer sit on the seat and get our legs under the handlebars. But it was more as a silly play thing to do, not to ride through the neighborhood.
Definitely a bike. They will get a lot of use out of it for many years. What my friend does to teach them to actually ride the bike is, buy the smallest size bike, and when they are tall enough to reach the ground from the seat, take the training wheels and pedals off. They have to push on the ground with their feet to get going and they learn to balance. Once they can do that well, just put on the pedals and they are good to go. It's better than buying a balance bike and then a regular bike, it's like a 2 in one and they learn to ride a lot easier than with the training wheels.
I would go with bicycle...he probably won't need the training wheels for long and I think you would get a lot more use out of it.
Unless you are planning on having other children that can use the trike. We got our 2 yr old daughter a Radio Flyer trike for her birthday and she loves it...that can be used for several years...
I would get him the 12" bike w/training wheels. That's what we did w/our son. We got him the bike for his 3rd birthday. He LOVED it & had no problems with it.
Can he pedal? My three year old has been on a trike for two summers and will be riding a bike--16"--with training wheels this coming summer. But...he is really a big kid and knows how to pedal. If your son is not proficient at pedaling, I would say the trike, because it's a LOT easier to learn to pedal a tricycle than a bike. But, if he's been on a trike, or has siblings who ride a bike, he may be able to pick it up quite easily.
depends on your child, I wish I would have gotten a balance bike at that age, it really gets them ready to ride a real bike
if you do a tricycle, you'll probably want a bicycle in another year (but you can always resell whatever you buy on your local craigslist & buy a kids bike with training wheels for very little money)
I like the bike with training wheels too.
Small bike with training wheels. Let him go to Walmart (or wherever) and sit on a few bikes to see which height you will need. We got my daughter a 12" Huffy when she was 2 and she loves it! She's used it for the last 2 years and will get at least another year out of it.
Balance bike! Forget training wheels, they don't allow the child to learn the trickiest part, which is balancing. We got my son a balance bike for his 3rd birthday last February and he rode it around in the house until he could take it "on the road" in the spring. I'm pretty sure he'll be able to graduate to a regular pedal bike this summer.
My grand daughter didn't know how to pedal until she was almost 4. The 3 year old, just turned 4 last week, could pedal at 2. His trike sat all Summer and he kept trying to ride her old bike. It is a 16" and too big for him. He is getting a smaller bike with training wheels for Christmas.
She had a trike until she was 4 then a bike with training wheels. She figured out the standing and pedaling of the big bike right away and the training wheels came off very soon. She now does BMX and wins regularly.
We got my son, who was almost 3 at the time, a Schwinn Roadster trike. He LOVED this trike, and still does to this day. We call it the Harley trike! It's bigger, and made for kids 3-5 years old. It's excellent quality and a great buy. We are getting him a bike this year for Christmas (he's ready), but he definitely does not want to give up the trike. So he'll have options...lol
Go with a balance bike!! It is a bike without gears, pedals, etc. They run with it and then pick up their feet. We just ordered one for our 3 year old for Xmas. See Amazon for balance bikes - there are a few options. He also has a plasma bike and loves it.
Bike with training wheels. He's old enough to see all the big boys on bikes and he will be ecstatic to get his own! My son got a 12' bike just shy of his 3rd birthday because is older sister got her first bike and he wanted one too. Within 2 hours of riding it, he asked us to take the training wheels off and he was riding away! Don't worry if he has no bike/trike experience. If he can touch the ground, he'll do just fine!