Tricks to Getting Nutrients to a Stubborn Eater

Updated on July 12, 2007
D.M. asks from Homosassa, FL
6 answers

I have a 3 1/2 year old boy. He only likes to eat certain things. He loves bread, milk, orange juice, V8splash, crackers, braunswager, and a few other things.He is set in his ways and is just starting to try a little bite at a time of new things. I am looking for a good way to maybe sneak the nutrients into his food as well as a good way to encourage a stubborn eater to try new things. I have tried reward charts (which help for awhile)and superhero stories. I am starting to have him cook with me to encourage his eating.

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answers from Tampa on

Yes, I agree that you are doing well and this is just a phase. My son is three and I have noticed that what the books say is true - you have to put food in front of them many, many times before they might try it. I just keep on presenting things to him, and he does eventually try them. It's also important that he sees ME eating the foods I want him to try.

Oh, one thing that is a big hit here in our house is the pre-cooked Perdue chicken. My son loves the fajita seasoned kind. I don't even have to heat it. I just put the pieces on his plate and he eats it like candy.

He also loves smoothies which, as was just mentioned, makes it easy to sneak in food that he might not eat otherwise.



answers from Tampa on


I read somewhere that if you have picky eaters, the most important thing is to not pressure them, and not get upset if they just don't want to eat certain things. The last thing you want is your child developing an eating disorder. I think if he will drink V8 Splash, give him that every day, it's a good source of fruit and vegetable. Keep offering him new things, and maybe let him pick out new things at the grocery store, or pick out recipes online or from a book. You could also give him a daily vitamin as a supplement. Food processors are awesome for adding vegetable purees to soups, meatloaf, etc.



answers from Tampa on

I had a similar problem w/my oldest. My pediatrician told me that he will not starve himself, and just keep offering him healthy things to eat. Eventually he will eat what you put down. I did take certain snacks away, so he'd be hungry at lunch/dinner times and it worked wonderfully. Good luck!



answers from Tampa on

Hi D.,

I use Poly Vi Sol in liquid form and put it in the cereal in the morning. My gal will eat cereal and get vitamins all at the same time. good luck.



answers from Tampa on

Oh my goodness. I have a 3 1/2 year old, and he is the same way. He eats very little. No veggies, no meat (except from McDonald's, or meatballs). He will eat peanut butter, hot dogs and bologna and occasionally sausage(oops those are his nutritious (not) meats), gogurt, cheese, syrupy stuff for breakfast, but he does love bagels with cream cheese. If I attempt to get him to eat what we're eating, it is a major battle. They will come around on their own. He will say, "Mommy, I can't eat that, it looks asgusting." LOL. Sometimes a pack of gummies will work as a treat for if he does try something new. Otherwise, I just let it go for now, pediatrician recommended too.



answers from Tampa on

Hi... I have several suggestions. I hope one of them works for you (I'm a mom & in-home daycare provider).

you can puree or grate carrots and other veggies into almost anything!!

V8 has tons of vitamins!!!

You're doing great... be patient, it's likely a phase. Just keep an eye on his weight. If you get WIC, they check the iron levels regularly. You can also get that checked for free at the health dept.


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