We've had a around 7 kids in our Foster Home that have used Play Therapy. Play Therapy does wonders for kids that have issues. I would highly suggest you find a great play therapist. We have a few play therapist that we have used and would be glad to give a referral. Just let us know if you would like their name and number.
Play Therapy is great, you can have them come to your home or you can go to them in their office setting. Kids work is their play. One thing you could also do at home is get down on the floor and play with your child. You can learn a lot that way.
Have you tried structuring your home and having a routine? That helps a lot. You might try charts and stickers and a reward system, that has helped us some with the kids. Every child is different and one thing doesn't work with all kids who have attention problems/issues.
We use Love and Logic and that helps some for some kids. You might find some of their techniques helpful. Their website is www.loveandlogic.com They have DVD's, tapes, books,etc.. to help parents. Our foster care agency also offers training in Love and Logic, if you are interested, I can give you information on that.
I would check out the library for books on Attention issues. I would also get a thorough check by your Pediatrician and see if anything else is going on. Have you had his eyes checked? Maybe he is having trouble seeing things in the classroom. The Child Study Center is great and you know can always refuse the medication. We've used medication and it does really help a lot and some kids really need it. I respect your decision not to medicate.
I'd research it in the library and on the internet also. The Play Therapist will be a huge help. Does he seem overwhelmed by lots of choices or more kids or people around? The Child Study center actually gave us questionnaires and also gave us ones to give to his teachers, which I thought was great.
Have you checked into the Parenting Center? They training classes that would be a huge help. Some of them are free, however some of them do cost some money- $20. I definitely check out them also.
I remember using a timer a lot with the foster kids that had ADD/ODD and ADHD. Use your time for 5 minutes and set limits on getting dressed, bedtime routine, playing-10-15 minutes-30 minutes, whatever your limit is. Have a timer that you can move from room to room and when the bell goes off, then he can hear it and he will need to stop what he is doing. This might help you.
Have you had any major change in your home in the past year? Sometimes that can stir things up too.
Maybe try giving him more one-on-one time with books that help with anger. I've used ones that are excellent at Mardels (the Christian bookstore/teacher supply store). Think of things he can do instead of hitting or throwing things. Have him count to 10 slowly or count backwards. Taking deep breaths help. Maybe he could go to the bathroom,when he is getting upset. Hope this helps.