My oldest got a ton of ear infections and we really struggled with the tubes issue for a long time. We found a good bit of research on the issue helpful. We ended up working with an amazing chiropractor by the name of Stephanie Maj who completely cleared Josh's issues and freed us from the ear infection cycle through regular and very gentle adjustments. As an added side benefit, we actually saw a huge behavioral difference in our son after adjustments and realized that the further out of alignment he was, the more he acted out. Dr. Maj's practice encompasses total family health. We trust her so much she adjusted our newborn twins the day they were born. Her office, Community Chiropractic, is located near Belmont and Southport, ###-###-####.
Good luck. As an aside, you probably don't have to take him to the doc as often as you do as research is now starting to show that antibiotics probably aren't having much if any impact on ear infections, they just seem to run their course in about the same amount of time it takes to finish a course of antibiotics. Unless you can't get your son comfortable or his symptoms don't improve, you can probably wait. We always found ourselves going too soon. We'd go at the beginning of an illness, then end up going back a few days later when the really bad symptoms hit.