As a full time working mother of a 13 month old who is still nursing, I also wonder why you are looking to end the nursing relationship at 5 months, especially if you have the opportunity to stay home with her. I believe the American Pediatric Association recommends breastmilk for the first year. If you can stick with it that would be best for you and your baby.
I did give up pumping at work when my baby turned one and it's been great to have more freedom with my time and my body on my breaks at work. I can understand missing the freedoms of a body that is all your own (a glass of wine, or sometimes a whole bottle would be nice once in a while ;-)) I am uncertain how I'm going to wean my daughter and I hope she leads me in that direction herself in the not too distant future, but I'm enjoying the bonding time while I can because I'm sure this stage will be over way too fast. Don't rush it if you don't have to.