(I'm brand new to this website)
I was in a very similar situation: I work full time and I breastfed in the evenings and at night until my daughter was 7 1/2 months. I kept her in the bed with us because it was so much easier (neither mom nor baby have to wake up totally for feedings that way). When I stopped breastfeeding I was so stressed out about making the transition to bottle and her in her crib. Well, it ended up being very easy for us (perhaps I just got lucky). Before the "transition", I nursed her less through the night and within a few days got it to where she wasn't getting any type of feeding in the middle of the night (your child is older and so their stomach capacity is larger, making it easy for them to go the whole night without a feeding, compared to the newborns). Then I put her in her crib and she slept straight through the night, perfectly fine. No problems since....
Anyways... My suggestion would be to go through the work-week weening the baby off of any night time feedings (whether breastfed or bottle) but keep the baby in the bed. Then, on Friday and Saturday night, start putting the baby in the crib. That way, even if the transition is a little rough, you have the weekend to take a nap.
Another personal note: I found that my daughter was a "light sleeper" when she was in bed with me and being breastfed. But once we made the transition to bottle and her crib, she sleeps like a rock. She is more likely to be awakened by your movements and stuff if she is right next to you. So you may THINK she is a light sleeper but in her crib, in a quiet nursery it may be a different story.
--> a word of encouragement: you may not have as difficult a transition as you think.
Good luck and God bless!