Tongue Piercings

Updated on December 16, 2010
S.G. asks from Tecumseh, OK
9 answers

ok so i got my tongue pierced back in feb HURT LIKE HELL, (i passed out). healing process was doing good and was finally learning to really eat without issues with the bar in there. i took it out for a dental appointment because i knew it was time for x ray's this visit and really didn't want the bar in the x ray's (i'm picky with my teeth-please dont ask y i got my tongue pierced if picky about my teeth i have my reason's that are on a need to know basis)...i didnt' think the appt would last so long and i couldn't get the bar back in after the appointment thus my piercing closed.

i REALLY want to get it pierced again, i enjoyed it and my dh was excited about it too, but i'm REALLY nervous because i heard to pierce through scar tissue hurts worse than the original piercing but i dont want to let it keep me from doing it again.

does ne one know of any thing you can put on your tongue to help numb it for the piercing. the piercer said the clamp would numb it because it too hurts...but IT DIDN'T, he had me and my friend rinse with listerine first to help clean our tongue first...i was thinking orajel to help if they'd let me ??? hm??

i'm not going to get it done for a while though, i'm fixing to go to court and dont want to be slurred talking when talking my case to a judge........would not help lol

hahaha yeah i guess if i've been through labor...i can handle this AGAIN!

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So What Happened?

that's an idea mk!
jenna, yeah i have no intentions on drinking before i go in...i'm getting it done today

updated monday 12-20 well, guys i did it, it hurt and i almost passed out AGAIN but i did it...not near as scared with it this time as i was...cant wait for the swelling to go down

More Answers



answers from Fort Wayne on

From what I know about piercings in general, you shouldn't do anything to the area before it's pierced. If you put something on it like Orajel, the needle would push the Orajel through the hole. That could cause an infection. You don't want that! You'll have to rinse with Listerine anyway and that would most likely make the Orajel inaffective. I don't really think there's anything you can do except just do it. Piercing through scar tissue hurts like HELL. I had it done on my belly button. You could call the person that's going to do it and see what they say.
Absolutely do NOT coat the barbell with ANYTHING before you put it in your tongue. That would get inside the piercing and cause and infection.
And for future dental appointments, get a plastic barbell. It won't affect the x-rays.

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answers from Kansas City on

When I had my tongue pierced, I had to take it out for work, and nursing school. I bought a plastic one, the top was flat so you couldn't tell I had it done, it was also clear in color. If I'm correct they are called retainers. I also had one for my nose ring.

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answers from Seattle on

I had my tongue pierced and had to take it out for medical purposes and got it redone. It did not hurt any more than the first time. I say just do it, labor hurts, but both eventually are over with relatively quick.

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answers from Columbus on

I don't think they will allow you to put anything on your tongue before they pierce it. Just take a shot before you go in ;)

Seriously though, just call the shop, they'll tell you if they allow anything. I would also be afraid of possible infection from putting something on beforehand. Regardless if you can put anything on it, you've had a baby. You got through labor so I'm confident you'll get through this :)

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answers from Johnson City on

ive heard taking a pain reliever about 30 min before hand helps out, mine didnt hurt that bad and i didnt do that but its something ive heard you can google it though

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answers from Dothan on

Forget the tounge, get your hood pierced. Much more pleasing and no pain (there are no nerves there)
;) hubby will like very much Im sure :)

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answers from Los Angeles on

Try a different place. Call around and ask if they have a numbing agent they can administer...some places do, some refuse to do it.
Honestly, it probably wont hurt any more then the first time. I got mine done 8 years ago with my friend, and it was her second time. She said it was easier the second time. I was flippin' scared, but when it was actually done, I didn't feel a thing, lol. The fear was worse then the actual procedure.
Also, look into getting a "plug" for when you need to go to the dentist or court or some place you don't want them to know you have one. It's an all plastic, clear, flat plug, that keeps your hole open. Because it's all plastic it will be safe for x-rays. I wore one every day for years when I was a teacher, and no one ever noticed.
Also, you don't really want to drink before the procedure...alcohol is a blood thinner...sorry to be a debbie downer. =)
Good Luck!

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answers from Kansas City on

Orajel is topical, it won't help with the feeling of peircing through scar tissue. Trust me, I know! I took out my TP for a braces appt and it started to close. I had to force the stupid bar back through, it hurt and bleed something fierce AND popped out a peice of scarred tissue (gross!). I should have went and just had the two second hurt from the professional!!!

Now, you MIGHT be able to get away with coating the bar with orajel before you go so that as it is pushed through it starts to numb your tongue from the inside out..........

As some have pointed out, pushing something throught the hole COULD lead to an infection. But.....I don't see how orajel would be any worse than the millions of germs/food that will be subjected to the peircing in the hours/days/weeks after the Listerine wears off!!!



answers from Topeka on

I had mine pierced 7 yrs ago it didn't hurt.I also use to take mine out for cleaning or just to change it.I have wanted it back in just becasue.I don't see how it would of closed so soon.Did you call & ask how long you can go without it being in there?

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