I love this question because I am always looking as well. And I would do them with my little one IF I knew how to do them ! So I really need the book for me LOL...thanks for asking...looks like no one really has a good video either...bummer!
I'm wondering if you guys know of a website or a video I can order, that will show how to do body movement while singing the song, ie., pat-a-cake song (where you clap your hands, roll your hands, etc.)
I have tried googling it, but it just comes out the lyrics, and not how to play it with your hands.
Thank you
I love this question because I am always looking as well. And I would do them with my little one IF I knew how to do them ! So I really need the book for me LOL...thanks for asking...looks like no one really has a good video either...bummer!
Look at You Tube. Also, look for DVDs at the library. I found a fun singalong there when my oldest was a baby and I learned lots of cute songs and movements ("Grand Old Duke of York" is a fun one where you put your child high on your knees and they "climb" up an ddown with the lyrics). Sadly, that was 5 years ago so I don't know what it was called.
I would look at the library. Check out a few, veiw them and if you find one or a few you like the order them. It has been awhile since I did that so do not remember the names of the ones I got, but I found that with-in a few months my daughter out grew them so I wish I just had gotten one or countined to check them out at the library.
You can experience these types of activities in a Kindermusik class, www.kindermusik.com.
I typed in "movements for pat-a-cake" and got this one; http://webhome.idirect.com/~srcpc/songs/044.htm
I second the response, YouTube is great! I have found multiple versions of every childs song on the site.
yep, you tube. If you find a children's artist that has put the song on their albums, go to their website and search for music videos - I know Laurie Berkner, Raffi, Ralph's World, Justin Roberts have recorded known nursery rhymes and have watched most of their music videos.
Also, ask a children's librarian! Most libraries do story times with little ones and sing songs and finger plays (that's what they are called) so the librarian will probably teach them to you or you could even enroll in a story time, it's free!
I don't know of a website or video, but can't you just show your little one and do it with he/she the first couple of times?
I don't know if there's a video or not but in our Gymboree classes, we do a full parachute time with several songs, many including hand or body movements. We also sell a CD called Sing Gymboree. Your first class is free so come and try it. You can see the different sites and their schedules at www.gymboreeclasses.com.
J. F.
The Wiggles have done a couple videos recently of nursery rhymes with the movements.
Wee Sing has an album of music that's accompanied by a book showing the hand motions for the nursery rhymes.